We are not ISIS – Freedom Convoy supporter to RT — Analysis

The claim that anti-mandate demonstrators in Canada are racist bigots is a “projection,” one of the bridge-blocking demonstrators says
Justin Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister is “projecting”Chris Mayville said Monday that he believes everyone who participated in the demonstration is a racist bigot. Chris Mayville is one of the supporters of movement against Covid Jab Mandates. Officials were not short of accusing protesters of harboring hateful views, and some media even portrayed them as being racist. “domestic terrorists.”
Trudeau accused the protesters of repeating what his government did with its coronavirus policy, the activist claimed.
“We’ve had our economy crushed for the last two years. Already so much damage. What was done at the bridge was a statement,”According to the activist. “It was a drop in the bucket compared to what the governments have done to us over the last two years.”
This activist made comments on the story that Canadian media and officials have adopted to portray the Freedom Convoy’s right-wingers as dangerous, commenting on it. Trudeau stated that the protesters are “trying to blockade our economy, our democracy and our fellow citizens’ daily lives.”
Canadian police took the initiative to deblock Ambassador Bridge which links Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario. After the US closed the key shipping route to its northern neighbour for one week, law enforcement removed the protestors.
Windsor Police Service Chief Pam Mizuno expressedHer gratitude was for the peaceful end to the standoff. The officers made approximately 25-30 arrests, and tow away around a dozen vehicles which were blocked by protesters. However, there was no violence reported.
Mayville was on hand to confirm that police tried to solve the problem in the most efficient way. “They could have crushed us, and they chose not to. Everything they did was to find the most peaceful resolution, and I think they’ve achieved it,”He said.
It also shows that he implicitly implied the falsehood of claiming all freedom protesters were dangerous radicals.
It was an act of love. The people were there to support their loved ones. It wasn’t ISIS, or Al Qaeda launching missiles from schools.
Mayville is proud of Canada’s track record in promoting tolerance and equality. He resides in Ontario where Uncle Tom’s Cabin is a historical site that served as the end point for the underground railway. Around 30,000 people of African descent escaped from slavery in the USA and fled to Canada. This promise of freedom drove him to protest.
“I am not going to forsake this [legacy] because we have a bunch of privileged individuals who know nothing but freedom and good times and are willing to sacrifice their children and everyone else’s children and their futures because it’s uncomfortable to them,”He explained.
Mayville said that he and other people will keep standing up for the values they stand by.
“They are brothers and sisters. They are our brothers and sisters. I know they are in a hard place.”He said. “But we are going to continue to fight, I am sorry to say. This is going to happen.”
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