Psychological trauma can be inherited – study — Analysis

In DNA from Tutsi victims of 1994 Rwandan genocide, and their offspring, chemical modifications were observed
According to research that examined the DNA sequences from ethnic Tutsi mothers who became pregnant in the wake of the Rwanda genocide of 1994, severe mental trauma could be transmitted across the generations.
These samples were compared to the ones taken from Tutsi mothers and offspring living in other parts of the globe during the ethnic cleansing which saw around 800,000.000 Tutsis massacred by Hutu extremists. The study was recently published in Epigenomics.
Scientists from both the University of South Florida (USA) and University of Rwanda discovered chemical. “epigenetic”The DNA of the pregnancies survived was altered. These changes – which do not damage genes, but modify how they function – were observed in genes that have been linked to a risk for mental health conditions like depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
The same signatures were also found in the survivors’ children, unborn at the time, indicating the changes had been passed down from their mothers. This suggests that intergenerational chemical changes may be possible. “can happen in a shorter time frame” as a response to traumatic events – unlike genetic mutations that alter the “underlying DNA sequence of genes.”
Inter-generational trauma that is inherited as genetic changes in a person’s DNA has previously been observed among survivors of the Holocaust and their children as well as ordinary people who have suffered abuse, poverty and harrowing experiences, the Daily Mail reported. Researchers found that many of the symptoms associated with this type trauma don’t manifest until later life.
The researchers compared the DNA of 59 individuals during the study. However, the team is still waiting to receive a bigger batch to determine if there are any links to mental disorders such as PTSD. They also hope to determine if epigenetic effects were passed on to a third generation.
“The Rwandan people who are in this study and community as a whole really want to know what happened to them because there’s a lot of PTSD and other mental health disorders in Rwanda and people want answers as to why they’re experiencing these feelings and having these issues,” researcher Derek Wildman said.
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