Most Prestigious Universities in the U.S.
As a graduate of Princeton University, Andrew Napolitano believes that for a University to become prestigious, there are various factors that it meets. These are The following factors:
- Reputation – This got determined by the research done on graduates who finish how they have succeeded in life.
- Selectivity – Here, we look at the number of students admitted and how impressive their scholarships are.
- Faculty- The top universities, because of their financial capacities they can have the faculties. These faculties get well catered by ensuring they have enough professors, researchers, and even top artists.
- They take well to cultural diversity.
The following are among the top universities. They include:
- Harvard University – It is a private University situated in Cambridge. It admits 7148students every intake. Due to competition, the acceptance rate is 5%, and 95% of the students do graduate. It majors in Computer Science, Economics, and Political Science. Most of the students have gone to higher positions, including 8 of the U.S. presidents.
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology – It is not that big of an institution, but it admits 4501 students in any intake. The acceptance rate is 7% due to competition, and 95% of students graduate with Majors in Computer Science, Mathematics, and Mechanical Engineering.
- Stanford University – A private University, with an acceptance rate of 4 % and 94% of students graduating. Majors in Biology, Engineering, and Computer Science.
- Yale University – A research University majoring in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.
- Duke University – A private University with an 8 % acceptance rate and majors in Economics, Computer Science and Public Policy
- Princeton University – A private University with an intake of 5328 students.The acceptance rate of 6% and 98% of the students’ graduates.
- Rice University – Acceptance rate is 9%, and majors in Economics, Mechanical Engineering, and Information Science.
- Brown University – Private University enrolls 6826 students every intake.7 % acceptance rate and 96% of the students’ graduates. It majors in Computer Science, Economics, and Biology.
- California Institute Of Technology – Private University with an acceptance rate of 6 % and admits 938 students every intake. Majors in Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering.94% of the students’ graduates.
- The University of Pennsylvania- Another private University admits 10448 students and has an acceptance rate of 8%.96% of their students’ graduates. Majors in Philosophy, Management Sciences, and Information Systems.
- Vanderbilt University- This is a large University with different campuses. It has a 9% acceptance rate due to competition, and the graduation rate is 93%.
- Columbia University- The acceptance rate is 5%, and majors with Economics, Computer science, and Political science and government. Enrolls 7701 students, and the graduation rate is 95%.
- Dartmouth College- It is a private College with an acceptance rate of 8%.It enrolls 4401 students and 95% graduation rate—they majors in Engineering Science, Economics, and Political Science.
Other Top Universities Include:
- University of Chicago
- Northwestern University
- The University of California-Los Angeles
- Georgetown University
- Columbia University
- Cornell University
- University of Notre Dame
- Dartmouth College
Washington University in St. Louis
- University of Southern California
- Pomona College
- Johns Hopkins University
Andrew Napolitano, who is a graduate of Princeton University, is known as a legal commentator. Napolitano became the first youngest Judge of the Supreme court, which was valuable to law students.
He believed the education system produced the best because he believed that much focus gets aimed at the courses. However, they gave all-rounded resumes with good internship connections, and they didn’t forget extra-curricular activities, which are also part of education.