Knitting and Crocheting Are Cool Again

From ginormous yarn used to make manufactured furniture to slouchy sweaters knit for friends, crocheted and knitted crafts, clothes and other product are rising in popularity.
“Julia Roberts does it, so does Vanna White, Cameron Diaz, Sarah Jessica Parker, Daryl Hannah, Hilary Swank, Julianna Margulies and many others. Knitting or crocheting is one of their favorite hobbies, but these crafts aren’t just for celebrities. Learn why 20 and 30-year-olds are turning on to crocheting and knitting, joining the 38 million consumers who enjoy doing these crafts,” according to the Craft Yarn Council.
The Stitching Situation
For those considering taking up these crafts, it’s important to know the difference between knitting and crocheting. The two techniques have much in common, such as the materials used. According to the AFCI, here’s the difference:
- Knitting involves two straight needles used to manipulate the yarn to create loops. The end-product is a textile or ready-to-use object such as a sweater.
- Crocheting, on the other hand, uses one hooked needle to pull the yarn or thread through intertwining loops
While they use different needles, these two crafts produce similar finished projects. Precise patterns help practitioners create the desired accessory object.
What Do Crafter Make?
The Crafty Yarn Council reports that hats, scarves, afghans and baby blankets top the list for favorite crafts to make. Scarves at 86% topped the list, perhaps because of their utility and the relative easy to complete one.
For those who love the look but don’t have time to make their own knit or crocheted items, the internet has plenty of pre-made objects. Specialty stores even include furniture woven of huge yarn.
Who’s Got Knitting and Crocheting All Sewn Up?
Besides the celebrities above, who else has taken up needles to relax and create beautiful objects?
According to AFCI craft and hobby research:
- 28.8 million Americans practice knitting or crocheting
- The crafts market accounts for $2.79 billion, with an average of $20.57 a month per household.
- 77% of knitters and crocheters buy from a physical store
- 62% give away their creations
- 29% of knitters and crocheters are male.
- 37% have full-time jobs
Knit and crochet age ranges are diverse, with 34% between 18-34, 36% between 35-54, and 30% are over 55.
The beauty and understated charm of yarn crafts draw in crafters and consumers alike. As many people enjoy getting handmade gifts, this trend is likely to continue for as long as hobbyists are willing to pick up their needles to sew love into each stitch.