Johnny Depp Amber Heard Trial Enters Final Week

mber Heard’s legal team continued their defense on Monday in the ongoing defamation suit brought by her ex-husband, Johnny Depp.
Depp sued Heard for $50 million in 2019, alleging that she defamed him by describing herself as a “public figure representing domestic abuse” in a Washington PostPublished in 2018 as an op-ed. Although Heard didn’t name Depp, Depp claimed that the article had damaged his reputation as well as caused him financial damage. Heard filed a defamation counterclaim after Depp’s former attorney called her allegations of abuse a “hoax”, damaging her repuation and career.
As the trial enters its sixth week, Heard’s legal team was reportedly planning on bringing Depp back to the stand to testify. According to both reports, this is not the case anymore. Deadline People that cite the same anonymous source who said: “Calling Depp back to the stand would be as relevant to us as a bicycle to a fish.” That same person who is reportedly close to Heard’s team, added: “Everything Depp has testified up to this point has been irrelevant to the heart of this case, and there’s no reason to believe it would be any different now.” The decision could change as Depp’s team attempts to rebut Heard’s witnesses.
The New York Times also offers this service. PostAccording to reports, Kate Moss, a model who was dated Depp throughout the 1990s, will give evidence in the trial. According to reports, she will be appearing in court via videolink on Wednesday, Fairfax, Va.
It is anticipated that this will be the last week of testimony prior to closing arguments. These are currently scheduled to occur later in the week.
Kathryn Arnold testifies
Entertainment industry expert Kathryn Arnold testified on Monday that comments by Depp’s former attorney Adam Waldman cost Heard $45 million to $50 million in endorsements and TV and film income. Waldman spoke to the Daily Mail that Heard’s domestic violence allegations were a “hoax.”
“In the industry, they like her work,” Arnold said, per Variety.“But they can’t work with her right now.”
Arnold noted, “Also, Arnold observed that Aquaman should have been Heard’s breakout role, but that fallout from the defamation suit seems to have stalled her career. “Every time she appears anywhere, the social media negativity campaign starts up again,” Arnold said.
She also stated under oath that Heard’s AquamanJason Momoa was a co-star and fought hard for her to continue in her role on the second installment.
Dr. David Spiegel testifies
Psychiatrist Dr. David Spiegel testified that Heard suffers from “battered wife syndrome”. This testimony contradicts the expert called by Depp’s legal team, Dr. Shannon Curry, who said Heard has borderline personality disorder and histrionic personality disorder. These are the facts PostAccording to reports Curry will be brought back on the witness stand in rebuttal. Spiegel also testified that Depp’s memory “appeared to have been damaged by substance abuse,” Variety reports.
Richard Moore, Dr.
Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Richard Moore testified that Depp’s maimed finger could not have been caused by a thrown bottle. Depp testified previously that Heard had thrown vodka at him and severed his finger. Testifying earlier in May, Heard recounted the incident as one that she remembered in “flashes,” saying that she could “feel glass breaking” as she alleged that Depp was throwing bottles in her direction. She said she took sleeping pills, went to sleep, and awoke the next morning to find that Depp was “missing a finger.”
According to Moore, an orthopedic surgeon, Depp’s account of how his finger was injured did not match up with the medical data. “It’s not consistent with what we see in the described injury pattern,” he said, adding that the injury appeared more as though his finger had been squeezed hard, instead of severed by a bottle.
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