Tolkien heirs destroy cryptocurrency ‘that rules them all’ — Analysis

J.R.R.’s estate. Tolkien has won a legal battle against a new cryptocurrency that ripped off the fantasy author’s work and was endorsed by an actor from ‘The Lord of the Rings’.
The Geneva-based World Intellectual Property Organization, (WIPO), ruled that was a domain registered by Matthew Jensen. Jensen is a Florida developer. “confusingly similar”Tolkien Estate trademark.
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“There is no doubt that the respondent was aware of Tolkien’s works and created a website to trade off the fame of these works,”In its ruling, the panel ordered that the domain name litigated be transferred the Tolkien estate.
Jensen has agreed to end use of the domain name, and that infringing information will be removed from all social media accounts. “This was a particularly flagrant case of infringement, and the estate is pleased that it has been concluded on satisfactory terms,” the estate’s UK lawyer, Steven Maier, said in a statement.
The ‘J.R.R. Token’ was promoted as “the one token that rules them all,” with a website that featured characters similar to the ones from ‘The Hobbit’ and ‘The Lord of the Rings’ franchises. The campaign even included a promotion video with actor Billy Boyd, who portrayed Pippin in ‘The Lord of the Rings’ films.
In late October, apparent scammers ran off with around $3.38 million they collected for their ‘Squid Game’ cryptocurrency, which was named after the smash hit South Korean show on Netflix.
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