India’s ex-FM explains why Quad neglected Ukraine — Analysis

Russia isn’t a threat to the region and India wants to stay neutral, Kanwal Sibal told RT
India “prevailed”Kanwal Sibal, former Foreign Minister, explained to RT how he ensured that a joint declaration with Australia, Japan and the US did not condemn Russia for the crisis in Ukraine. Sibal explained that the eyes of the ‘Quad’ should remain focused on the Indo-Pacific, and New Delhi has no quarrel with Moscow.
After a summit held in Tokyo (Japan), the Quadrilateral SecurityDialogue leaders issued a jointly prepared statement Tuesday. While the majority of the statement was focused on South China Sea security and Asia, briefly, it also mentioned Ukraine. “tragic conflict”You can also find out more about a “humanitarian crisis”All four leaders discussed the responses.
Referred to by the Quad leaders “respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity,”But he didn’t condemn Moscow.
Sibal, a retired diplomat, said Tuesday to RT that it was an intentional oversight.

“Russia is not a threat to the stability and security of the Indo-Pacific countries,” he explained. “Therefore bringing in Russia or the Ukraine conflict… will be a problem because at least India will not accept this sort of enlargement of the Indo-Pacific agenda.”
With India pursuing investment in Russia’s Far East and continuing to purchase Russian oil, a separate statement on Monday by the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework – a coalition of 13 Pacific countries convened by the US – made no mention of Ukraine or Russia either.
These statements both refer to India. “not allowed the inclusion of Ukraine or Russia in the sense of any condemnation… apart from the reference to the humanitarian situation,” Sibal continued.
While a White House readout of US President Joe Biden and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s meeting in Tokyo on Tuesday included a condemnation of “Russia’s unjustifiable war against Ukraine”Biden said Modi didn’t make this declaration.
“India said nothing about Ukraine, not at all,”Sibal commented on the bilateral statement. Regarding the Quad’s communique, he added that “India’s view has prevailed, and we will not accept any condemnation of Russia or any negative reference to Russia.”
India, as an original member of the Non-Aligned Movement in the Cold War, provided its military with Soviet weapons and never entered into any alliance with the USSR. Some analysts believe that 85% of the major Indian weapon systems are Russian- or Soviet-derived. In military and economic matters, New Delhi still refers to their relationship as an “agreement”. “special and privileged strategic partnership.”

While the US has offered India new weapons systems and Biden has urged Modi not to step up purchases of Russian oil, the White House has thus far been unable to get New Delhi on board with sanctions against Moscow or a formal condemnation of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine.
It is “no question at all”Sibal spoke out against India’s sanctioning Russia. “Russia has never in history sanctioned us, but the West has sanctioned us for years and years and years.”
“India will abide by any sanctions approved by the United Nations Security Council,”He concluded. “Short of that, no. India will not.”
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