How to set up a home workout plan

If you are interested in getting in shape and appearing your best but don’t like the idea of going to the gym to exercise, then perhaps looking into a home workout plan might be a good option for you. While seemingly simple, having a good home workout plan that you stick to can be a daunting prospect. You might need some guidance when it comes to choosing what moves to do, and what accessories you will want that will help you to keep your goals within striking distance. Today, let’s go over some of the finer points of how to set up a home workout plan.
The first thing you will want to do when getting ready to start your home workout plan is to find out what kind of shape you are in currently. What you will want to do is grab a pen and paper to take notes, or you can use your computer’s notes, you will want to record your results to measure your progress. Find out how many pushups and jumping jacks you can comfortably do, and write down those numbers. Next, take a walk somewhere near you that is around a mile away, record the time it took you to get there and back again. These numbers you have written down will hopefully improve with time, that is the goal of sticking to a home workout routine.
The most important thing you will want to consider when planning your home workout is that the goal will be consistency. You must understand that you will not get into amazing shape instantly, and a lot of hard work is required to get the results you want, the results that got you interested in home workouts in the first place. To that end, make a do-able goal of setting the number of daily sit-ups, push-ups, and dips to a number that will push your limits only a very small amount. In other words, set your daily number of pushups at 10 if you can comfortably do 8 when you tested your strength earlier.
Once you have a bit of experience with a weekly home workout routine, you want to go to the next level and get some home workout equipment. One of the very best pieces of equipment is an inexpensive home workout pull up bar. These pull-up bars hook onto most doorways, and they are sturdy enough to handle rigorous use. Pull-ups are a bit harder than push-ups, and they work out your core as well as arms. This is a very good piece of equipment for people who are just starting out on their home workout journey. Some other inexpensive pieces of equipment that can be great additions to your weekly routine are things like jumps ropes or a set of small dumbbells. If you really go crazy with your home workout equipment you can graduate to things like stationary bikes, and elliptical machines, these are great to have but can be quite costly.
The goal of having an at-home fitness routine that you stick to can seem unattainable sometimes, but, it is important to remember that by doing the small steps you outlined in your plan at the beginning, you will get the great results that come with following that commitment over time. Whether you are looking to achieve better health, better looks, or a combination of both, it all starts with the desire to begin a good home workout routine. Now that you know the basics you can start getting those great results you’ve dreamed about, so don’t hesitate, start getting in shape today!