Empowering Kids: Keeping Them Engaged and Earning During Summer
Historically, summertime is the longest period when kids aren’t engaged in a traditional classroom. Using this time constructively is the key to their childhood and adulthood development. Whether you have an intelligent child or a growing teenager, explore how you can keep them empowered, engaged, and earning this summer.
• Summer Jobs for Teens: Boosting Confidence and Independence
Traditionally, summertime has been a perfect season for teens to work a temporary job. Today, this trend isn’t as prevalent as in previous decades. However, summer jobs offer many benefits to teens. First, the job teaches responsibility, respect, and communication skills. Indeed, these skills are critical as teens enter adulthood.
In addition, summer jobs give teens a sense of purpose, confidence, and career awareness. By giving them a taste of employment, teens begin to sort out which jobs they like or dislike. Furthermore, summer jobs demand time management and commitment. As a result, teens develop a solid work ethic, remain punctual, and learn about the value of a dollar. Although parents can teach these skills at home with chores and rewards, an unbiased workplace makes a huge impact on teens’ minds.
• Engaging Kids in Creative Projects: From Baking to Craft Making
Empower kids by engaging their creative sides. As screen time becomes habitual, set the electronics aside and pull out some basic art supplies. For example, hunt for mismatched socks around the home. Decorate a sock with yarn, felt, and other simple items. Afterward, perform a sock-puppet show with the creation.
Nearly any supply can be an art project, including egg cartons as flowers, paper plates as quirky characters or paper towel rolls as makeshift binoculars. Alternatively, try a cooking lesson once a week to hone the child’s skills and creativity. Start with fun foods, such as cookies, and work your way toward more complex dishes. By sparking creativity during the summer, these activities can lead to enhanced skills later on.
• Active Learning Experiences: Nurturing Growth Beyond the Classroom
Offering your child a math or English workbook to complete as a summer activity doesn’t provide the skill retention necessary for a successful return to school. Instead, try active learning experiences. For example, go outside with your child and discover nature together. Gather a few leaves, bring them home and dissect them together. Look up leaf anatomy online, and discuss its purpose afterward. By actively engaging your child, the information can easily move from short-term to long-term memory.
Certainly, this active learning also works well in groups. If your child has friends over during the summer, engage everyone with a scavenger hunt. Ask the group to find certain items around the home or neighborhood based on color, category or other theme. Naturally, design the hunt around the age group so that it’s appropriate and safe.
By employing a combination of mentally and physically challenging activities, kids can thrive in the summertime. Essentially, focus on appropriate activities for your child’s age group. As fall approaches, your child can start the school year with a stimulated mind and healthy body.