
Chinese air force alarms Taiwan with massive flyby — Analysis

After a number of Chinese aircraft, including a bomber and fighter planes were allegedly spotted in Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone, (ADIZ), the Taiwanese military prepared their air defense missile system.

Taiwan’s Ministry of Defense claimed that dozens of Chinese planes had crossed its southwest ADIZ, prompting the island to activate its military resources “to monitor”Their activities.

The aircraft allegedly contained dozens of J-10 fighter jets and J-16 fighter planes as well as a Xian H-6 Bomber and several Y-8, Y-9 military transport airplanes.

China’s latest flyby took place the same day that a group of US and allied warships sailed into the Philippine Sea on Sunday. It was China’s largest flyby since last October, when it flew 56 aircraft near Taiwan in one day in several waves. 

Deng Xijun, the ambassador to China, has not commented yet on the matter. saidIn a related incident, last year, such demonstrations were designed to send a “strong warning to the Taiwan secessionists & their foreign supporters.”

Taipei regards Taiwan as an independent nation since 1949, when the Chinese Civil War’s losing side fled Taiwan. The air force of the People’s Republic of China has been flying sorties into Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone for the past several years, as a means of sending a signal to Taipei that China does not recognize its claims of independence and, as such, any notion of an ADIZ is null and void.

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