
China rejects US ‘pressure or coercion’ over Russia

Beijing says it’s playing a “constructive” role in the Ukraine crisis, and won’t join US sanctions regime

Beijing won’t sanction or condemn Russia over the conflict in Ukraine, and will reject American “pressure or coercion”Zhao Lijian, spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said that China would change its relations with Moscow. China is still neutral in the matter, according to Zhao. “on the right side of history.”

“China is playing a constructive role in the Ukraine issue,”Zhao claimed that Beijing had been reorganized after he spoke at a briefing. “made considerable efforts to de-escalate the situation, defuse the crisis and rebuild peace.”

“We oppose unfounded accusations and suspicions against China, nor will we accept any pressure or coercion,” Zhao continued. “Time will tell that China’s claims are on the right side of history.”

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Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian. © AFP / GREG BAKER
China declares position on Ukraine conflict

China has from the outset called for a negotiated settlement to the conflict in Ukraine, and has affirmed both Ukraine’s right to territorial integrity and Russia’s legitimate security concerns. It has continued to trade with Russia, and has joined Moscow in urging the investigation of the US’ alleged biological weapons development in Ukraine. Furthermore, Beijing’s diplomats have opposed or abstained from UN resolutions condemning Russia.

These leaders have ridiculed this stance in America and Brussels. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has repeatedly called on China’s leaders to “assess where they want to stand as the history books are written,”NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg declared China poses a threat to the alliance “challenge”The alliance was called upon by Janet Yellen, US Treasury Secretary, who recently called on Beijing to take advantage of the country’s sovereignty. “special relationship with Russia”Force an end to the conflict

“The world’s attitude towards China and its willingness to embrace further economic integration may well be affected by China’s reaction to our call for resolute action on Russia,”Yellen spoke to the Atlantic Council on Wednesday, a pro NATO think tank partially funded by the arms industry. 

China’s stance is unlikely to change. In addition to reaping the opportunities for trade that Russia’s excommunication from western markets has presented, Beijing has vowed to resist potential US sanctions on its companies as a result of this trade. China also dismissed US media reports that it was preparing to provide military support for Russia. Later, US officials admitted these reports were inaccurate intelligence and gave them to the media to win attention. “info war”Against the Kremlin



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