BioNTech CEO replies to claims he refused vaccination — Analysis

Ugur Sahin (the co-founder) of one of the most popular Covid jabs has responded to an interview, in which he stated that he was not vaccinated.
videoSahin was a German oncology and immunology professor. He told a reporter that he had not been immunized against coronavirus. This interview went viral via social media. In an interview with the German DW TV channel, conducted in English, the reporter queries whether the CEO will “Ask for your personal opinion,” before asking, “It has been reported that you are not yet vaccinated. Why not?” Sahin responds that he is “Legally, you are not permitted to receive the vaccine right now,” due to there being a priority list. “Our co-workers, and our partners need to be vaccinated.,” he says, adding, “Importantly, our participation in clinical trials was not permitted..”
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Sahin responded to the video by posting a response on LinkedIn, presumably in direct response. His friends had been urging him to share a photograph of himself being inoculated against the deadly virus, he wrote, but he had thus far “We refused,” explaining that he had been of the view that his communications should not be about himself, but “Contribute to scientific transparency by providing data, facts, insights, and information.”
However, he said, since the aforementioned interview, he and his wife had each received two doses and a booster The Pfizer BioNTech vaccine. The LinkedIn post was accompanied by a photo of Sahin being jabbed against Covid-19 “In the early 2021,” he said, to address the “False rumors” circulating on social media that he had refused to be vaccinated.
Inspiring others to be like you and citing the experience of a friend “Fight for his life” against severe Covid, Sahin added that his company was currently developing another vaccine “To address Omicron variant regardless of whether or not it is required.”
It is currently trending on Twitter. The interview video has attracted such attention that BioNTech has been forced to respond. The statements its then-unvaccinated CEO made in it were accurate at the time, it said, but were now “Completely outdated,” a spokesperson told Reuters. The interview was recorded a year ago, when only older people and those in high-risk groups in Germany were legally eligible to receive a Covid-19 shot.