5 Vital Reasons RV Repairs Should Be Done by Professionals

Your RV has to undergo some pretty rugged conditions. On the highway, it faces constant wind pressure from the front and may take some buffeting from the sides or back. Once you’re off the highway, rough roads and bouncy parking lot entries can put further pressure on the structure. Check out the 5 biggest reasons to take your RV to a professional shop for repairs.
1. Balance
Even if your carpentry skills are professional level, it can be challenging to make sure your RV stays in balance. You may need a heavy-duty cabinet for large kitchen tools, but swapping out the original for something heartier may throw off the balance of the rig.
A badly out-of-balance RV can start to suffer structural damage on the road. Window seals may fail and start to leak. Doorways may not close properly. Whether you’re changing out cabinets or loading your outdoor storage bins, pay attention to the balance of your rig.
2. Added Weight
Many RVs are close to maximum weight before you add your belongings, food, and water. Making sure that your trailer base is in good shape before each trip is critical to your safety and the safety of your possessions.
An overloaded trailer may pull nice and straight, but if you enter a campground with a bumpy entrance route or take a gravel road to your next adventure, you may suffer damage and find yourself stranded.
3. Hidden Connections
The tolerances for connections inside your walls can actually be pretty tight. Any time you make alterations or repairs to your RV on your own, there’s the chance that you’re going to damage the connection where water lines, gas lines, and electrical wires connect.
When you put stress on these lines in your driveway, they may hold. Once you get on the road, they may fail. You might find your RV is badly damaged when you get to your campsite. If a gas line fails, you may suffer an RV fire before you arrive.
4. Ventilation
Most RV travelers fear leaks above all. However, the ventilation features in your RV are crucial to your safety, especially if you use propane in your rig. Alterations to your RV can impact your ventilation and put your safety at risk. If you’re not sure why an outer wall or roof opening is there, don’t change it!
5. Top Quality Products
The sealants that work on the roof of your home may not be effective on your RV. Worse, many home construction products will outgas over time. A bit of outgassing in a 1500-square-foot house is an odor, but in a 150-square-foot RV, outgassing can be toxic.
Making sure that your RV is safe to drive, park in your favorite campsite, and live in without the risk of damage will take a professional eye. Making sure that your rig is balanced, internally sound, and secure on the road is key. RVs are a large investment so it’s important to have repairs done by a professional RV repair shop.