10 Tips for Utilizing Data After a Fundraising Event
In the process of operating a successful nonprofit, managers can often get caught up in trying to find the best nonprofit software for nonprofit database management rather than utilizing the data they already have. To make the most out of fundraising events, you might want to try the following 10 tips.
1. Review the Events Performance
As your reviewing Salesforce data integration and the latest donations to come in, take some time to analyze the event’s performance against expectations. Did your fundraising event have the turnout you expected? Did you receive the number of donations you wanted? Reviewing data will help you make changes to ensure a better performance next time.
2. Identify Key Participants and Contributors
Fundraising events can also be wonderful opportunities for recruitment. By identifying key participants and contributors, you can identify the people who care the most about the organization. By acknowledging their contributions, you might find a valuable partner for the foundation.
3. Provide New Ways To Engage
Collecting data at a fundraising event also provides an excellent opportunity to receive feedback about engagement strategies. You can learn if your donors prefer different communication channels, like email or social media. Learning how your donors prefer to communicate can eventually lead to more donations because you are listening and reaching out in a way they prefer to hear from you.
4. Conduct Prospect Research
One of the main reasons for hosting fundraising events is to locate prospective donors. Each participant can fill out a card or form expressing their interest in the nonprofit or its mission during the event. After the event, nonprofit workers can contact the donors to find those willing to give.
5. Classify Your Donors on the Likelihood of Recurring Donations
Most nonprofits know that a wealthy donor with a connection to the organization is likely to make repeat donations throughout the year. However, many other donors are also willing to give more frequently. The goal is to use the information gathered to identify donors who are most willing to give and do so repeatedly.
6. Review Your Target Demographic
Fundraising events are an excellent opportunity to review the participants and how they stack up to the ideal of a prospective donor. Demographic changes occur all the time, but the key is to take notice and change when necessary.
7. Review Your Messaging
A fundraising event also provides the opportunity to review the effectiveness of your messaging. For example, if the turnout was not as expected, review all the information that went out, including the messaging channels, to find a potential reason for the issue. Many times a nonprofit can overlook its brand when trying to drive traffic. Your messaging and branding need to remain connected.
8. Reach Out for Feedback
Sometimes the best data research comes from donor feedback. After every event, send out a feedback form to see how while the event was received. Donor insight is vital to ensuring continued donations.
9. Send Thank You Cards to Participants
Sending thank you cards to anyone who participated in the event is a nice form of recognition. Recognition can help maintain donor relationships.
10. Keep in Touch
Use contact information. People give their info because they want to hear from the organization. Don’t disappoint.
Ready to improve nonprofit performance? Contact a data management service for help.