WHO predicts Covid pandemic ‘acute phase’ end date — Analysis

In order to end this year’s pandemic, it was suggested that countries commit to an annual 70% global vaccination rate
World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus reiterated his call to prioritize the vaccination of around 70% of the world’s population. He stated that such a move would help ensure the safety of everyone. “acute phase”This year, the Covid-19 pandemic is over.
The WHO chief spoke at a South African press conference on Friday. He stated that the WHO expected the worst pandemic to be ended by the end of this year. “mid this year around June, July”If the vaccine target is met, he will comment. He made these comments days after he warned that coronavirus could not be eradicated. “finished with us.”
The vaccination threshold must be crossed. “not a matter of chance,”However, “matter of choice,” Tedros said, adding that the decision to mobilize resources to meet that target is “in our hands.”
He observed that “more than 10 billion doses had been administered globally”In the two-year period, they said that the “scientific triumph”Development and deployment of the Covid-19 vaccine were “marred by vast inequities in access.”

However “more than half the world’s population is now fully vaccinated,”He said “84% of the population of Africa is yet to receive a single dose.”Concentration of vaccine production “few mostly high-income countries”It is the reason for “much of this inequity,”He noted.
According to reports, only 11% Africans are vaccinated. This makes Africa the continent with the lowest vaccination rate. Last week, the WHO’s Africa office said the region needed to boost its vaccination rate by “six times” in order to meet the WHO’s 70% target.
Tedros emphasized the importance of this end-result. “urgent need tocrease local production of vaccines” in “low- and middle-income countries.” He pointed to the recent development of the continent’s first locally-produced mRNA Covid vaccine – made using the Moderna shot’s sequence – as a promising step. Afrigen Biologics and Vaccines developed it as part of a pilot technology transfer initiative, which was supported by both the WHO and COVAX.
End of Covid pandemic ‘plausible,’ WHO claims
“We expect this vaccine to be more suited to the contexts in which it will be used, with fewer storage constraints and at a lower price,”Ghebreyesus added that the shot would be available for clinical trials in late 2018, with approval in 2024.