West considers arming Ukraine with more potent weapons – FT — Analysis

According to the newspaper, Washington and its allies discuss whether or not to send fighter jets to Kiev in future.
A US defense official said that the US is in negotiations with its allies to decide whether Ukraine will receive more advanced weapons and fighter aircraft in the future. This according to The Financial Times.
Some of Kiev’s Western allies were emboldened by last week’s successful offensive against Russia in Kharkov Region, the British newspaper reported on Tuesday. They’re now talking “Ukraine’s longer-term needs,”According to an anonymous US source. Some people believe it appropriate to fly warplanes over Ukraine. “medium to longer term,”According to the publication, the source stated that.
Some Western countries had refused to send fighter jets from Ukraine in the past, citing issues such as the training time, the difficulty of servicing sophisticated weapon systems and the possibility that there would be an escalation with Russia.

Some progress was made in negotiations with Slovakia. This former Warsaw Pact member said Kiev could supply its Soviet-made older jets to help support Ukraine’s legacy fleet. Late August saw the Slovakian army retire its MiG-29s.
Officials from the USA hailed the offensive in Kharkov Region as a significant success for Ukraine’s military. The Ukrainian army had previously suffered losses on the battlefield against Russian-allied forces.
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken claimed on Monday that Kiev’s forces had made “significant progress”After receiving Western support “in terms of making sure that Ukraine has in its hands the equipment it needs to prosecute this counteroffensive.”
According to Mark Warner (chair of the US Senate Intelligence Committee), the preparations for the Ukrainian operation were aided by Western intelligence agencies.
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