
WATCH Haircut protest staged in museums — Analysis

In accordance with Covid regulations, beauty services were provided in Dutch museums and concert halls.

Dozens upon dozens of Dutch museums, theaters and concert halls have protested the current Covid-19 regulations by opening their doors for hairdressing and manicures as well as gym sessions.

Some business, like hairdressers, salons and gyms as well as non-essential shops were permitted to reopen last week after being placed under strict lockdown. Museums, theaters restaurants and cinemas however, remained closed. Many cultural workers have protested the absurdity of this arrangement on Wednesday. To draw attention on the protests via social media, they used #OpenCultuur to use the hashtag (Open Culture).

Concertgebouw in Amsterdam posted videos and photos of hairdressers cutting hair and listening to music.

You can only listen to Amsterdam classical music (and get your hair cut).” reads the venue’s tweet.

Those who took part in the protest underlined that their actions has nothing to do with an anti-vaccination stance or Covid-19 denial – and the institutions were following the pandemic rules with regard to QR-codes, mask-wearing and social distancing.

On Wednesday, the Museum of Limburg in Venlo decided to turn into a gym. saying that its own staff “They left work to join an active Zumba class.

Their colleagues at the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam could also enjoy the experience, as well as some other members of the general public. manicures surrounded by the artist’s paintings.

Even though some of those protesting received warnings by authorities (including one that offered yoga classes), the day was deemed a success.

A successful day of action is something we look back at! Both young and old enjoyed sports at many museums. This has drawn attention to the opening of the cultural sector. Unfortunately, some museums closed early.” the Dutch Museums Association saidOn Twitter

The Dutch government had promised to reconsider additional restrictions that were lifted on January 25.

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