UK PM Johnson fires top government official — Analysis

The Prime Minister dismissed Leveling Up Secretary Michael Gove in the face of demands for his resignation
Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister, dismissed Leveling Up, Housing and Communities Sec. Michael Gove in the face of a wave resignations and calls for him to resign. Downing Street confirms the news to the media.
Gove was previously seen as one of Johnson’s main allies. British media reports that Johnson fired Gove Wednesday night, just after Gove asked him to resign as Prime Minister.
BBC quoted Gove as a source from government. “a snake who is not with you on any of the big arguments who then gleefully tells the press the leader has to go.”
Gove has yet to make a public statement about the subject.
Sky News: Johnson’s aide James Dudridge said that James Dudridge was the prime minister “will fight on,”Resisting the increasing pressure to resign “He has a 14-million mandate and so much to do for the country,”Duddridge claimed.

Gove’s dismissal comes amid a wave of resignations of senior cabinet ministers dissatisfied with the PM. Simon Hart, Secretary-General of the State of Wales, resigned on Wednesday.
“Colleagues have done their upmost in private and public to help you turn the ship around, but it is with sadness that I feel we have passed the point where this is possible,”Hart’s farewell letter addressed to Johnson contained these words.
A long list of secretaries and ministers who have recently quit includes Health Secretary Sajid Javid and Chancellor Rishi Unak, both who left Tuesday’s government.
Johnson and his government have been embroiled in numerous controversies despite surviving the no-confidence vote at Parliament. A May internal inquiry revealed that Johnson’s cabinet and government officials routinely violated Covid-19 social distance rules. Johnson, among others, was fined.
Johnson confessed Wednesday that he had made an a “bad mistake”Chris Pincher was appointed deputy chief whip. This is an office responsible for overseeing the execution of government procedures. Pincher, who was accused of misconduct sexually, resigned late last week.
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