5 Risk Factors for PTSD After a Car Accident

PTSD awareness is at an all-time high, but most people still associate this condition with military service. In reality, anyone who experiences a traumatic event can develop symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. There are also a number of risk factors that make individuals more likely to develop PTSD after a crash. Here’s everything you need to know.
- Prior Trauma
Those who have experienced prior trauma are at a high risk for developing symptoms. A New Orleans car accident attorney checks for this risk factor first, assessing the forms of psychological help their clients might need. PTSD is more difficult to handle and treat when prior trauma exists, making the need for mental health experts even more vital.
Prior trauma exists in a wide variety of forms. It could come from a previous car accident, being a victim of a violent crime, or extremely negative experiences from childhood. Regardless of how trauma came across in the past, it makes any further trauma a more difficult experience to handle.
- Family History
As the science on genetics continues to unfold, it becomes clear that several issues individuals experience are passed down from their family. If your family has a history of psychopathology, or mental issues, then even the mildest symptoms of PTSD can quickly become severe.
- Perceived Threats
The onset of PTSD can come from minor accidents, but these symptoms are multiplied when the trauma contains a threat to your life or the lives around you. Survivors of active shooter situations often suffer with PTSD for years to come.
During an accident, you may fear for your life. Even after the wreck has ended, you might worry that your friends or the other party involved could die from their injuries. These instances allow for the onset of severe PTSD.
- Lack of Social Support
In the days following the accident, the amount of social support you receive makes a world of difference. Car accident attorneys advise their clients to speak with friends, family, and partners to seek help in dealing with their emotions.
Without support, PTSD can form from dealing with these negative emotions by yourself. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or simply talk with someone about how you’re feeling. A lack of support can lead to sever anxiety and depression, two of the top symptoms of PTSD.
- High Emotional levels
Those with high emotional levels are also more prone to developing PTSD. These individuals experience fear, helplessness, and guilt on a more intense level than the average person. This leads to the various symptoms of PTSD, but also make symptoms like anxiety and depression more intense.
If you experience your emotions more intensely than others, you’re at an incredibly high risk for PTSD and in a dangerously vulnerable place. You should seek professional help to work through this time as well as rely on your support groups as much as possible.