UK govt seeks to spike ‘highly sensitive’ BBC spy story – reports — Analysis

A government injunction is requested by the government on grounds that this would be detrimental to intelligence activities overseas
A gag order is being sought by the UK to stop BBC from airing news segments which identify an overseas spy. The secret High Court hearing to hear the arguments is scheduled for next week. “highly sensitive case,”According to The Telegraph
The broadcaster claims the story is true, but the reporter insists it’s not. “overwhelmingly in the public interest,”Suella Braverman, Attorney General of the United States is likely to assert that it will present an opportunity for a fair trial. “risk to people’s lives”According to the newspaper, this would affect British intelligence activities overseas.
Although neither party has divulged additional details about the broadcast’s content, an unnamed source told The Telegraph that identifying the spy would be a “massive compromise”National security threats and warned about “very serious consequences for the BBC.”
“These people are doing very, very difficult jobs in incredible circumstances. They risk their lives. This is not James Bond – these are real people.”
If the judge agrees with the government’s contention at Thursday’s interim hearing, he or she could grant either a full or a temporary injunction on airing the segment. Two judgments will be produced: One for the media and wider public, which is redacted to protect sensitive information, as well as one that details all details and can only been accessed by security-authorized persons, the paper said.

BBC claimed that the BBC has fabricated this story. “fully in line”With its “editorial standards and values,”Any injunction will be challenged in Court of Appeal.
A number of UK media outlets have compared the incident to the infamous Spycatcher affair of the mid-1980s, wherein Margaret Thatcher’s government failed to prevent newspapers from reporting allegations published in the memoirs of a former senior MI5 intelligence officer.
The Telegraph received legal advice from experts who said that the government could be accused of abuse of the courts if the BBC report is not proven credible to threaten national security.
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