Trucker’s Health in Winter

Truck driving skills aren’t hard to learn, and every OTR trucking company would love to hire you in a driver shortage. Hiring drivers is ongoing all over the country and HMD Trucking is no exception.
However, keep in mind that it’s a tough job, which gets even tougher in the winter.
The snow season has arrived. It can be a truly beautiful time of year with all the scenic views on the road. But there are also challenges that we have to contend with to ensure a safe and healthy winter season. As truckers, we should know that behind the beauty of this time of year there are also some dangers directly related to driving. Cold temperature conditions cause problems with vehicles and affect road conditions.
It’s important to take care of both your body and your car to keep them in great shape during the cold season. Fortunately, we know what steps you can take to address these issues and have a healthy and safe winter season.
Physical fitness for the body
Numerous health problems begin to appear in the winter. Cold weather creates special health problems. Winter is the most favorable time for many colds, as well as stomach upsets and pneumonia. And because of icy pavements, there can be more bone fractures and bruises from falls in the winter.
We want to take a moment to nudge you in the right direction to stay healthy. During the snowy season, you’re tempted to stay home and curl up. When you are healthy, you inspire others. It’s like a chain reaction of positivity. Let’s talk about how we can all stay healthy this winter.
Eating for a healthy body
One of the easiest ways to start is to make sure we eat a balanced diet to support our immunity and resist disease. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and complex carbohydrates helps keep our bodies in great shape. Here are five foods that are recommended to eat to boost your immune system and keep you healthy.
Five great winter foods
- Citrus fruits. They contain lots of vitamin C, which is great for protecting against winter insects.
- Leafy dark greens. Kale, cabbage, escarole and chard are high in vitamins A, K and C, as well as folic acid.
- Winter squash. Acorns, nuts and spaghetti, are a great source of vitamins A, B6, C and K, folate and potassium. They also have a wonderful rich flavor, and the selection of winter varieties is enormous.
- Oatmeal. Oatmeal is high in nutrients, especially zinc, which is very important for immune function.
- Berries. Strawberries, blueberries and raspberries are great sources of nutrients. They are especially easy to get in the winter simply by buying them frozen. They are easy to use straight from the freezer and add to many recipes, as well as smoothies, oatmeal and yogurt.
It is also very important to remember to drink enough water. Most health authorities recommend that adults drink about two liters of water a day to keep the body functioning properly. Water helps the body regulate temperature and keeps cells and tissues functioning normally. Water helps you feel full, which helps you eat less and avoid winter weight gain. It also helps boost your immune system!
Walking is a must for staying strong
Even though the cold can be very discouraging, it’s so important to get outside and walk, even if it’s a few times around the freight yard. Whether you walk at a leisurely pace or do a comprehensive workout, it’s important that we all stick to a regular regimen of at least three to four times a week throughout the winter. This keeps your muscles and body strong, protects against disease, and keeps your metabolism efficient. It also helps avoid depression and seasonal discouragement.
Health in Winter
- Caring for vehicles. Winter is the time of year to keep your trucks in great shape. Check and refill fluids. Make sure regular maintenance is done on time. Make sure you have winter weather protection equipment on board, such as jumper cables, flares, first-aid kits, spare tires, chains and safety cones. Make sure they are all in good working order.
- Inspect tractor lights, tires, wiring, brakes, trailers. Make sure wiring is in good condition, no kinks or frayed areas. Make sure all lights are in working condition and do not need replacing. Check the brakes to make sure they are in good working order. Check all tire pressures and make sure you have a serviceable spare tire. Make sure all of these are in working order and on the tractor trailer.
- Safety plans. It is very important for chemical tanker truck drivers to know the safety plan inside and out in case of an accident. Make sure you can automatically execute this plan if necessary. Always be aware of the weather on trucking routes. Always be prepared by not skipping any steps before your trip.
- Discussion. It is always a good idea to just think about the importance of the job and contact your supervisor if necessary. During the winter, use caution, such as exercising extra caution on overpasses and bridges, providing extra distance between other vehicles, avoiding unnecessary hard braking, reducing speed when necessary, and pulling over if the road becomes impassable at any time.
The winter season can be challenging and even dangerous for drivers. There are things we should think about and prepare for even before we start driving in challenging weather conditions. However, if we prepare our minds, bodies and cars by taking steps to prepare, we can all enjoy a great, safe winter season on the road.