Top 5 Facts on How the Brain Works

Each person has an assumption about how the brain works. On different occasions, you will be convinced that the brain works in a particular manner, but you will end up finding out that all these assumptions are false.
Below are five interesting facts about how the brain works:
1. The Brain Handles all the Creative Work
When you look into how the body works and how our daily routines affect everything, you will be interested in planning your day and learning more about how to go about everything. Depending on how we work, you can be more productive depending on the cycles of the body clocks.
If you are a morning person, you will want to make use of the morning hours when you’re fresh, and you will get the most out of everything. Your brain can solve different problems fast and make the right decisions. If you’re a night owl, the night times suit you best.
If you are trying to be creative, you will have more luck when tired since the brain will be functioning more efficiently. It makes sense since some of the great ideas come about after a long day of handling some draining tasks.
When you’re tired, the brain cannot filter distractions easily, and you will also focus on specific tasks. You cannot also easily remember the connections between different concepts and ideas.
2. Stress Changes the Size of Your Brain
Stress usually alters brain function. You will be surprised by how stress affects your brain functioning.
When a person is stressed, the size of their brain reduces. Some studies have also been conducted using baby monkeys as specimens. The results showcased that the part of the brain responsible for stress was larger after the stressful conditions were eradicated.
Other studies have also been conducted using rats as specimens. When subjected to stress, the hippocampus would shrink, and it is responsible for the formation of memories. PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) also leads to the hippocampus shrinking. If you have a small hippocampus, you are likely to suffer from PTSD. The study has been conducted to determine whether stress can alter the brain’s structure, among other things.
3. The Brain Cannot Multitask
In as much as the human brain is a complex organ capable of performing numerous tasks, it cannot multitask. When we multitask, we are switching between different contexts. In short, we are switching back and forth from one task to another instead of handling each task simultaneously. It is also important to note that there are low-level functions such as breathing and pumping blood functions that aren’t considered multitasking.
4. Sleeping and Resting Improves the Performance of the Brain
We are also conversant with how important sleep is for our brain. However, have you ever thought about naps? When you take a nap, your brain’s performance will improve.
A nap will improve your brain’s functioning in the following ways:
• Improved memory: In some studies, the participants were memorizing certain cards to test memory strength. After memorizing everything, the participants would then go for a break. Some of them would also take a nap while the others were awake. The group that took a nap illustrated that their memory was better thanks to resting.
5. Extroversion and Introversion Areas a Result of How Our Brains are Wired
Introversion and extroversion are not because of how why or outgoing we are. It’s all about how your brain recharges.
An extrovert and introvert usually process things differently because the genetic makeup differs. For an extrovert, the brain will respond well when some things pay off. The only difference with an introvert is the dopamine system.