Things to be Thankful For
Sometimes, we just need to sit back and think about how lucky we are, regardless of the hardships and downfalls of our lives. Believe it or not, if we can find a comfortable place and just close our eyes, we may find it easier to appreciate even the smallest things. If we’re talking about people who know how to appreciate the finer things in life, we can take Father Rutler as an example. Rutler is a dedicated Catholic who talks sincerely about gratefulness, encouraging us all to try and appreciate life a little more. In fact, let’s take his advice right now. Here are a few things we can learn to be more thankful for in 2021 and beyond.
The first thing that comes to mind is the mere fact that we are alive and breathing. This is an accomplishment in and of itself, when we consider the recent pandemic and all that it took away. To be able to say we are alive and healthy right now is among our greatest triumphs. Another thing that comes to mind is wealth. Many people do not have the pleasure of being able to say they have a lot of money in general. Those of us who are wealthy and able to live comfortably are very lucky, especially if we haven’t always been in this fortunate position. We should never forget where we came from.
Speaking of where we came from, family is another great thing to appreciate. At times, Father Rutler thinks people tend to forget that they might not be where they are if it wasn’t for those around them who love them and want to see them thrive. Thriving brings people to another sweet accomplishment. That accomplishment is our jobs. Right now, work can be hard to come by, especially due to recent health-altering events. Even if our job is a hard one, the fact that we have one is incredibly miraculous. We should indeed be thankful for these essential jobs, and for those who have them.
For example, let’s take a moment to appreciate our doctors and nurses, who have worked tirelessly to keep us healthy. Also, let’s not forget grocery stores and restaurant workers, who have been risking their health to make sure we can do our shopping and feed our own families. Not to mention the warehouse workers that we should be thanking, because they are the ones who make sure we get everything we order when we shop online. Warehouse jobs aren’t easy.
So please, let’s take the time to sit back and mull over the bigger and the smaller glories of this life. There are so many people and things we don’t realize are keeping us all together. We should take the initiative to reflect upon these things, and encourage those around us to do the same, especially if we have beds to sleep in, food on our tables, and a loving circle of family and friends.