Sparks fly between EU and Trump envoy over Kosovo border stunt — RT World News

Ric Grenell was a US spymaster and former diplomat. Trump brokered the deal with Serbia and Kosovo with a border trick, but Grenell got in a Twitter feud with an EU colleague.
Grenell, who was Trump’s acting director of national intelligence and special envoy for Serbia-Kosovo talks, held a press conference on Thursday at Merdare, a “border crossing”The Balkans state is divided into its independent province and the Balkans state.
Kosovo was annexed by NATO in 1999 after the air war. It declared independence in 2008. However, Serbia has yet to recognize it. In September 2020, the Trump administration brokered a deal that saw Belgrade and Pristina promise economic cooperation. “normalization”This included reciprocal recognition of Israel as well as Kosovo.
In statement issued after Grenell’s event, Trump called him “my Envoy Ambassador”They were urged to “two nations”Keep the faith! “historic”For the sake long-term success, agreement is a must.
Grenell states that “many Americans are frustrated”The deal to allow business to enter the US’s borders has been abandoned. Speaking afterwards to journalist Ksenija Pavlovic, the former diplomat said the US owed the region more than just “lip service,”Blinken was blasted as the Secretary of State.
“Blinken won’t do the job. The American administration needs someone who can walk into the Oval Office and do things,” Grenell said.
American leadership is needed for the Western Balkans.
His visit to the “border”Viola von Cramon, German Member of European Parliament and Envoy to Kosovo, criticised the move, accusing the Americans of taking the credit for crossing the border.
“Merdare CC point was built by 6 [million] euro of EU taxpayers’ money,”She tweetedAdd that “history did not start with Trump.”
“You did indeed build it. But you couldn’t get it opened. It wasn’t until Donald Trump opened it. The two sides didn’t seem to listen to you. You are welcome,” Grenell shot back.
“As for the reopening in 2020 after the tariffs, we in the EU prefer not to topple a democratic [government] in order to have a new one that would listen to us,” Von Cramon replied.
Washington backed last year’s no-confidence vote in favor of Kosovo PM Albin Kurti. His replacement then signed the deal. Kurti was re-elected to power in spring. The government of Kurti sent highly armed police into Serbia to seize the checkpoints. It almost led to another conflict that escalated into a war.
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