
Here’s How to Capture and Keep Your Customer’s Attention

Every business owner knows that having a website is a requirement in the modern age. There is one problem though; people’s attention spans are shortening. You might have developed a great website, but if you cannot capture and keep your customer’s attention, you will likely lose a conversion and potential sale. Since you have such little time to do it, we will show you some strategies that can help you out.

Create Catchy Copy

Every marketing strategy relies on some form of content. Written copy is especially important because it is everywhere. Additionally, a lot is riding on the copy you put out.

Think about your ad messaging, social media posts, website headings, and subject lines that most people will see before they notice your beautiful design or engage with your website’s navigation. 

All marketing copy should be created to capture a visitor’s attention and keep it. If it is not, people will keep scrolling, move to other websites, or even close their browsers because they did not find what they were looking for.

If you want to capture and keep people’s attention, here are a few things you can do:

  • Understand your target audience
  • Tell compelling stories
  • Do not overload people with information
  • Always proofread your copy
  • Personalize it
  • Unless necessary, keep marketing jargon and lingo at a minimum
  • A/B test everything

Use Appealing Website and Content Designs

Apart from copy, design has the biggest influence on a visitor’s first impression of your brand. We are talking about your website as well as your content. Using designs is not only about capturing people’s attention, but it is also about helping them retain the information presented.

For your website, you need to hire web designers who understand more design elements. These include the use of eye-catching icons, typography, content and visual hierarchy, white space, and brand colors. 

There are lots of agencies that provide amazing website design services. Ensure you check the portfolio of the businesses to confirm they have worked in your niche and on similar websites.

Your graphic designer – the person or agency in charge of your visual assets – should also know how to use the elements discussed above to create amazing content for your website and other platforms like your social media accounts.

Make Website Navigation Easy

Think about how many times you have been frustrated putting something together. Confusing instructions were likely the reason for this. You might have even been frustrated to the point of coming back to the task later only to leave it for months or years.

This also happens on websites and to email recipients. Hard-to-follow navigation and instructions can lead to the same confusion, frustration, and lost attention that helps when putting things together. Once people leave because of negative emotions and feelings towards your website and brand, they are a lot less likely to come back.

Making this as easy as possible can help remedy this. You can do this by:

  • Using simple interfaces
  • Making your website’s navigation as intuitive as possible
  • Ensure your website loads quickly
  • Using responsive, mobile-friendly designs
  • Ensuring a good user experience and
  • Using labels that are easy to understand

Create Brand Consistency

Every brand should have consistent visual language. Visual language is typically applied to websites, but it should extend to every visual element and asset created for the business. Such a language uses the same fonts, font size, colors, logos, styles, spacing, and other design elements in the same way regardless of the asset.

If you have been receiving emails from a business using a specific design language and then start receiving emails from another, you might be confused at first and then intrigued. If the business keeps changing the design language, you will likely get bored and move on.

You might also report the emails as spam if you don’t know the business is refining its visual language or experimenting with new ones.

Customers do not want things to change too frequently. Consistency is key to keeping their attention and this is something you should always keep in mind when developing any marketing assets.

Consistent and Clear Calls to Action

Marketing is typically about getting people to take an action, to convert. Calls to action help with this as they tell people what to do. If you are unable to do this, people leave because they ask, “now what?” and do not get an answer.

Your calls to action should answer this question clearly and consistently.

Keeping people’s attention is getting harder and this is why marketers have to find ways to capture and keep it. There are proven strategies that still work, but marketers must think fast as things change.

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