Play with fire – get burned, China warns US — Analysis

President Xi sent a blunt message on Taiwan in “candid” phone call with Biden
Taiwan is a part of China and the 1.4 billion Chinese will not tolerate any challenges to the country’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity, President Xi Jinping told his US counterpart, Joe Biden, in a phone call on Thursday. Xi’s warning comes amid reports that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is preparing to visit the island next month, something Beijing has warned her against.
Xi “highlighted that the historical ins and outs of the Taiwan question are crystal clear, and so are the fact and status quo that both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to one and the same China,” according to Beijing’s readout of Thursday’s call, also noting that Biden was the one who initiated it.
China strongly opposes Taiwanese Separatism, and it will not tolerate “independence”The island “in whatever form,”Xi called Biden during the first telephone conversation between them since March 18.
Fire is the death sentence for those who are enamored with it. The US should be able to see this clearly.
The readout shows that Xi told Biden also that China’s approach towards the US was a primary competitor and a strategic rival. “would be misperceiving China-US relations and misreading China’s development,”Adding that the US attempted at “decoupling or severing supply chains in defiance of underlying laws”This would not be good for its economy. “only make the world economy more vulnerable.”
China and the USA need each other “uphold the international system centering on the UN and the international order underpinned by international law,”Xi also said this. “reiterated China’s principled position”Ukraine crisis.

Although the White House’s readout was shorter, it did not include any mention of Ukraine. It instead focused on the issue of “climate change and health security.”However, it did say that the call had been disconnected “part of the Biden Administration’s efforts to maintain and deepen lines of communication between the United States and the PRC and responsibly manage our differences and work together where our interests align.”
Biden has the Taiwan handle. “underscored that the US policy has not changed and that the US strongly opposes unilateral efforts to change the status quo or undermine peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait,”According to White House
The tensions between China, the US and Russia have intensified in recent weeks after news broke that Nancy Pelosi (D.California), House Speaker, intended to send a delegation of congressional representatives to Taiwan in August.
Pelosi denies or confirmed the trip. Biden stated that the US military believed it to be a legitimate trip when he was asked about it this month. “not a good idea right now.”
However, since then the Pentagon has apparently developed an a “contingency plan”To send more fighter jets and ships to the region. Chinese officials have threatened to attack the US. “unbearable consequences”Should Pelosi proceed with her trip, some pundits suggested attacking Taiwan as a response. “provocation.”
Newt Gingrich, the House Speaker, visited Taiwan in 1997. However, Beijing government officials have pointed out that he was an opposition leader then, and Pelosi, who is of the same party, was there.
Taiwan is now ruled over by Kuomintang nationalists, who fled the Communists’ civil war in 1949 to find refuge on Taiwan. They also left the mainland with US assistance.