New York threatens prison time for faking vaccination — Analysis

New Yorkers can be sentenced for falsifying Covid-19 vaccine documents. Governor Kathy Hochul is trying to clamp down on this illegal practice through new legislation.
Hochul signed off on a measure to make falsification of Covid-19 records a felony crime on Wednesday, warning that residents who “misrepresent”Their vaccination status “not only jeopardize their own health, but the health of all those they come into contact with.”
“This legislation ensures that as New York opens up and many businesses choose to rely on checking vaccination status, the falsification of vaccination records will not be tolerated,”She made the statement in a statement.
Now, a proof-of-vaccination certificate will be taken into consideration “a written instrument for purposes of the forgery statute which makes the falsification of COVID-19 Vaccination Cards a class D felony” – or punishable by up to a year in prison.
The crime of altering vaccination records stored on a computer system will now be a class-E felony, and could result in up four years behind bars.
Anna Kaplan, New York State Senator, applauded the introduction of new penalties and claimed that it had improved her life. “never been more urgent”To protect the public “bad actors using fraudulent vaccination cards or passports.”
“The ‘Truth in Vaccination’ law will serve as a strong deterrent to prevent people from lying about their vaccination status, protecting public health, and ensuring our economic recovery can move forward,”She concluded.
New York has administered more than 32,800,000. Covid-19 vaccine dosages. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported that 95% of New Yorkers have had at least 1 dose and that 82.5% have had two.