Louvre threatens to sue Marine Le Pen — Analysis

The presidential candidate said her campaign video was in line with the museum’s official rules
The Louvre Museum in Paris has hit out at right-wing presidential candidate Marine Le Pen after she claimed the landmark ‘as her own’ in a campaign video. They have asked Marine Le Pen to take down the advertisement.
On Sunday, the Louvre said that Marine Le Pen, the National Rally party leader, did not have permission to film her presidential campaign video in front of its infamous glass pyramid, which sits at the heart of the building’s courtyard.
Le Pen claims the Paris landmark in the video that was filmed January 11. “as her own,”The museum stated. Le Pen attacks President Emmanuel Macron, the incumbent president, in the commercial ad that runs three and a half minutes. “interlude of a Macronism that’s been toxic for the country and that began here.”After the 2017 election, Macron delivered his victory speech from the Louvre Pyramid.
Philippe Olivier, one of Le Pen’s campaign advisors, told the New York Times that the campaign video was made to show that “Macron is the opponent”And “that’s what the symbolic act of being at the Louvre is about.”
Affaissement du pays, déclassement des Français : c’est au Louvre qu’a commencé le quinquennat d’Emmanuel Macron. 🇫🇷 Pour renouer avec un destin collectif et un grand projet national, n’attendez pas l’élection présidentielle : faites-la !Retrouvez ma déclaration du Louvre ⤵️ pic.twitter.com/jmWJY2qCZh
— Marine Le Pen (@MLP_officiel) January 15, 2022
“We belong to the entire French population,”Le Parisien was told by a spokesperson for the museum that they added, ” “in her video clip, Le Pen claims the Louvre as her own.”
They said that they didn’t want to take part in politics of tit for tat.
Le Pen’s campaign team said their video was in line with the museum’s official rules, which says permission is not needed when the filming isn’t for commercial purposes. It remains online.
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Louvre said that they had been “considering what action may be taken regarding the conditions under which the video was filmed and broadcast.”
Macron may not yet have announced his candidacy, but he still remains the favorite. Le Pen is up against stiff competition from right-leaning candidates, who could push her down to second in the first round and prevent her from making it to the run-off.
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