How to Effectively Fill a Storage Unit: The Ultimate Game of Tetris
Every one of us needs to make use of storage from time to time. No matter if you’re headed abroad for a while, or you wish to protect some of your most valuable items without storing them at your house, or you simply want more room in your living environment, using an affordable storage unit can be a great investment.
You’ll be surprised just how cheap even large storage units can be, and the additional services that go into protecting your goods. From CCTV to regular patrols and guards keeping watch, from 24/7 access to your storage container with size tiers you can select from to pay only as much as you need to, Storage Units in Park City are for sure a no-brainer.
But while a storage service can provide you every single feature you may wish for in keeping your items safe and secure, they won’t directly handle your items unless in special circumstances or if offering a particular service for packing. This is why it’s a great idea to learn how to fill your storage unit properly.
If you’ve eve played a game of Tetris, you know the deal. Making sure that you safely fill the space with your belongings and make the most of your space limits take a little creative thinking – but you can do it with a little effort, and some stellar advice. We hope to give you that advice today:
Store In Stacks
It’s a good idea to store your possessions in ‘stacks,’ as it were, so that you can more easily keep likewise possessions together. For instance, properly storing musical instruments next to one another, in their cases, and with the heaviest at one side (or placed at the bottom in a hard shell case), can help you more easily access your inventory and find that you need when necessary.
Make sure stacks are never stored too high -as the risk of them falling and causing damage is not acceptable.
Heaviest & Bulkiest At The Bottom
When you bring your largest, heaviest and bulkiest possessions into the storage container, make sure they are stored at the bottom of any placement. This not only provides you more space within the room to orient your belongings, but it can prevent you from knocking over any stored goods placed there prematurely.
Proper Labelling
It’s good to label your belongings properly so that you can access them easily when necessary. Placing loose possessions in large plastic tubs with strong attachable lids, properly labelled, can help you keep a sense of uniformity to your storage with immediate access should you need it.
Work From The Outside In
Work from the outside of the room to the inside as you bring possessions in. This way, you can avoid having to clamber over your belongings to store items near one another. You can also easily define a navigable path, then, too, meaning you can access all areas of your self storage without creating an assault course of your own making.
With this advice, you’re sure to get the best of your self-storage space, not only ensuring safety, but making better use of the room allocated to you, thus granting you more value for money. If in doubt, the stewards will no doubt render advice to help you.