How to Secure MySQL Databases on Linux VPS

MySQL is a popular open-source database management system used for various purposes such as data warehousing, e-commerce, application logging and more. Most users choose this software for their websites, especially those that run them on Linux servers. However, if it’s configured incorrectly, this program can become a security liability for its users. That’s why it’s necessary to properly set up the databases on this system. There are a few steps that everyone can take to achieve greater protection for their MySQL database on Linux VPS.
The initial setupThe first move can be done when the program is being installed for the first time. Secure your administration account from the very beginning by changing the root password. By doing this, users achieve a few things:
Even these simple things ensure a higher level of protection to the program and all its components. Configuring the My.cnf fileThis is the main configuration file of this software. It’s located in the “/etc/mysql/” directory on Ubuntu and in the “/etc/” directory on some other Linux VPS. Some settings can be changed to achieve greater security. Users should:
This ensures that MySQL is accepting only the connections from the local machine and not anywhere else. If you need to enter the database from another place, this can be done through SSH. The next step is to disable the feature that allows access to the underlying filesystem from within the software. In the same file, add the “local-infile=0” directive which shuts off the ability to load local files. This means that users without file-level privileges can’t load the database. Securing MySQL from withinAnother step to better protect MySQL on Linux VPS is to make some changes in the program itself. These are:
And these are just a few simple modifications that can be done from within the software itself. Although there are more ways to secure MySQL databases, these are used most. They are a great introduction to the type of measures users should take to ensure the protection of their data, websites and Linux VPS servers. If the environment is unsafe, it’s vulnerable and easily exploitable by attackers, which is a risk most users and companies cannot take. |