Helen Lee Schifter’s Guide to Fitness During Quarantine

With the pandemic putting the lives of millions on hold for the past year, many are at the peak of experiencing cabin fever. The constant desire to regain their freedom and be able to go out wherever they please is starting to drive them mad, and they are in desperate need of a distraction. Just because we are confined indoors, it does not mean we are stuck to just sit on the couch and stare at a wall, there are plenty of activities to do at home! Take up a new hobby, or whip out the at home gym equipment and participate in some at home exercise.
Helen Lee Schifter is a wellness expert and is a big believer in keeping up with frequent exercise. According to PrNewswire, she has regularly shared her thoughts on how people can in fact enhance their lives despite the pandemic. She stated, “Health and wellness is an incredibly important part of all of our lives. Unfortunately, it’s also something that is consistently overlooked and even neglected. That has got to change.” Considering the fact that public spaces like restaurants and gyms could put people at risk for contracting the virus, prioritizing your health can certainly be done safely at home. With the proper attitude and equipment, working out can become a part of your daily routine and will definitely help with people’s physical and mental health.
It can be difficult to try and find at home gym equipment that works best for you. Thankfully, Helen Lee Schifter has made a list of the best at home machines to look into:
- Peloton Tread+ Treadmill
This brand is currently very popular, and there’s a reason for it. This treadmill tracks a user’s progress and has a slatted belt which gives runners a smooth surface to exercise on.
- Keiser M3i Indoor Cycle
If a person is looking for a great cardio workout, this is the machine for them. It is perfect for breaking a sweat while not taking up too much space in your living room.
- WaterRower Rowing Machine
This machine is perfect for people who are looking to workout both their upper and lower body. It is worth the investment because it will help burn an enormous amount of calories and will work nearly every muscle in your body.
Schifter believes investing in some at home equipment will definitely benefit people’s quarantine experience. Once the equipment is in possession, however, people need instruction to follow in order to get the best results possible. With that being said, it is important to do some research on the best at home workout videos. Whether it be on a gym equipment website or on Youtube, there are plenty of training videos out there that workout enthusiasts can choose from. Find what works best for you and use the time in quarantine to stay occupied and stay fit!
It has been said that the pandemic has caused people to engage in some unhealthy habits. Whether it be the excessive consumption of alcohol or junk food, or the total lack of exercise, it is easy to fall into the trap of laziness. By shifting your focus towards something positive and beneficial, it will steadily decrease that cabin fever feeling. All of us wish the Covid-19 pandemic would vanish, but in the meantime we must occupy our time in a healthy way as a strategy to cope. We at MassNews encourage the public to continue to stay safe and healthy. Wash your hands frequently and continue to practice social distancing. It cannot be said enough, hopefully this pandemic will become a memory sooner rather than later.