France defends Russia in Belarus border row — RT World News

France’s Secretary of State for European Affairs has rejected criticism of Russia over the migrant situation on the EU-Belarus border, arguing that Moscow could actually be “part of the solution” due to its connection with Minsk.
Speaking to French media outlet BFMTV, European Affairs minister Clément Beaune blasted the Belarusian government for launching a “migratory attack” that was designed to “destabilize the European Union.”
Beaune denied that Russia is behind or involved in the flood of asylum seekers seeking refuge within the bloc, despite concerns over the migration crisis at the EU-Belarus frontier. “It is obvious that if Russia is not part of the problem, it is at least part of the solution, since Belarus’ dependence on Moscow is increasingly strong,”Beaune.
Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus has refuted claims made by EU members that it was part of a deliberate effort to weaken the EU. He accused America of being a terrorist on Wednesday. “invited”The migrants are expecting “Europe and Central Asia to take them in.”
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The French minister’s defence of Russia comes after Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki accused Russian leader Vladimir Putin of being the “mastermind”The situation at the Belarusian frontier
“This attack which Lukashenko is conducting has its mastermind in Moscow. The mastermind is President Putin,”Morawiecki made the remarks on Tuesday at a Parliamentary Session on Migrant Crisis.
Russia rejected any criticisms of the EU’s border situation and blamed the EU for the escalating crisis. Sergey Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister, stated earlier in the week that “the main responsibility for resolving the migrant crisis lies with those who made it possible for the crisis to start in the first place.”
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