First monkeypox deaths outside Africa reported — Analysis

In Brazil, a 41-year-old man died from monkeypox. Spain reported the first case of this disease Friday. These were the first deaths outside Africa where monkeypox has been endemic.
A statement made by Brazil’s Health Ministry and quoted in local media stated that the victim had suffered from lymphoma among other illnesses.
“He was hospitalized in a public hospital in Belo Horizonte, and was later taken to intensive care. The cause of death was septic shock, aggravated by monkeypox,”The ministry stated.
Minas Gerais’s health authorities said the patient was dead on Thursday.

The Spanish Health Ministry has confirmed Friday that the monkeypox epidemic in Spain had finally ended. It is also the first such outbreak in Europe. According to the latest ministry report, 12 out of 3750 Spanish monkeypox sufferers have died. According to the authorities, no additional details have been provided about those who are deceased.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), five people have died from monkeypox in Africa since 2022.
The world’s number of cases continues to rise. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there have been 21,148 reported cases across 78 countries as of July 28th. Of these nearly 21,000 were in America. “that have not historically reported monkeypox.”
Nearly 5,000 infections have been reported in the USA, which is the leading country for cases.
Monkeypox looks similar to smallpox in humans and has been endemic in some parts of central and west Africa. Initial symptoms are fever, headaches, backache muscle pains, muscle aches and muscle aches. It can also cause swollen lymph glands and skin lesions.
According to the WHO, the current monkeypox outbreak “is concentrated among men who have sex with men, especially those with multiple sexual partners.”
Recently, however, the first cases of monkeypox in children have been confirmed. A combination vaccine that protects against both smallpox (and monkeypox) is currently being developed. It has been made available in several major US and UK cities, as well as in many European countries.
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