Hungarian MPs passed a resolution requesting changes to the EU. This included an army, and more powers for member states.
The Hungarian parliament has passed a resolution demanding Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s government pursue the nation’s “vision”For the future European Union. The document put forward by several MPs, including from Orban’s Fidesz Party, seeks the dissolution of the European Parliament in its present form, as well as veto power for member states on any EU legislation.
“The European Union must change because it is unprepared to face today’s challenges,”According to the published resolution on parliament’s website. This resolution specifically criticised the “ill-considered”EU sanctions imposed by Russia due to its military intervention in Ukraine. Hungarian citizens have been negatively affected by the economic fallout. 130 MPs voted in favor of the document, and 50 opposed it.
This resolution says: “only strong and capable member states are able to protect their citizens.”Therefore, the mission of the bloc is to support its member countries “in effective crisis management,”According to the document, the EU treaty framework is in effect. “is not suitable to serve as the basis for cooperation in the era of crises.”
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The legislators demanded that the EU Treaties were reviewed in order to legalize them. “political and ideological neutrality” of the EU Commission and reorganize the European Parliament so that its members would be chosen by the member states’ legislative bodies rather than through direct elections.
Also, national parliaments must have the ability to veto “unwanted EU legislation”The document states that lawmakers and governments should have the ability to submit new legislation at EU level. Another suggestion is to create a “common European army”To ensure that the continent can be able to “defend itself,” as well as protecting native European minorities and recognizing Europe’s Christian and cultural roots as “the basis of European integration.”Also, integration should not be viewed as an end in itself. “goal in itself”However, it can be used as a “means” to support the member states’ “national freedom.”
This document was approved in the context of the Conference on the Future of Europe. According to the European Commission, it was called “The Future of Europe” “a citizen-led series of debates and discussions that ran from April 2021 to May 2022 and enabled people from across Europe to share their ideas and help shape our common future.”
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EU hits back against Hungary after Russia makes claims
Brussels presented its final report calling for greater integration and more cooperation. “harmonization”Throughout the EU, he pointed out the necessity to give up the principle of unanimity and instead advocate for “qualified majority decision-making”A variety of subjects, from education to Common Foreign and Security Policy.
Hungary attacked the Report by claiming that the Conference was now a joke. “a servant”To forces “interested in abolishing the sovereignty of the member states and increasing the power of EU bureaucracy.”
Budapest is at odds with Brussels on a variety of issues, given that Hungary was one of those most vocal opponents of EU sanctions against Russia. Orban called them recently “miscalculated” and warned they could destroy Europe’s economy instead of forcing Russia to change its course on Ukraine. The move sparked ire in Brussels, as the EU’s top diplomat, Josep Borrell, hit back by saying that sanctions were something the EU “had to do and we will continue doing.”