EU state runs out of space for Ukrainian refugees — Analysis

Ireland does not have the capacity to accommodate Ukrainian refugees. Those arriving at Dublin Airport in the next days will be stranded. In a briefing to NGOs on Wednesday, the Department of Children announced that Dublin’s Citywest Hotel – recently repurposed as accommodation for asylum seekers – had reached capacity.
Since February, the state has accepted more than 41,000 Ukrainians. Until recently, the government claimed that it was impossible to restrict the flow.
New arrivals might have to spend the night at the airport as there is no alternative accommodation. According to several Irish media outlets, 250 people were accommodated in the old terminal building Wednesday night.

A government spokesperson told The Irish Times that Prime Minister Micheal Mart will be meeting with ministers to discuss the current situation. Martin stated that 70 percent of Citywest’s residents were not Ukrainians but refugees from other nations in a news conference.
As of Monday, 40,678 people have entered Ireland from Ukraine since the start of Russia’s military operation on February 24th, including 1,454 last week. With Ireland’s population standing at just over five million, this influx means that nearly one in 100 people in the country have come from Ukraine in the last four months.
Ireland is currently in the grips of a housing and homelessness crisis that has been ongoing since the 2009 economic crash. President Michael Higgins called Ireland’s lack of housing for its people “our great, great, great failure”In a speech given last month.
Despite the housing crunch, theYou can find more information atgriculture minister, Charlie McConalogue, insisted in March that the country could take in as many as 200,000 Ukrainian refugees, while the housing minister, Darragh O’Brien, declared last month that the state “will not support” a “cap on immigration and a cap on asylum into this country.”
Martin declared on Thursday that “tented village”On Monday, a camp in Dublin will be opened to accommodate migrants from Ukraine. In November alone, up to 2,000 Ukrainians will be housed in modular homes by the government.
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