
Coal silo blast sends shockwave across US city — Analysis

One Baltimore resident thought that they had just experienced an earthquake when a massive explosion at their Baltimore coal mine caused them to panic.

Baltimore first responders have begun investigating an explosion at a five-story coal silo.

It occurred on Thursday morning at South Baltimore’s CSX Coal Plant Building. A massive explosion caused shockwaves throughout the city. Some people wondered whether Baltimore had suffered an earthquake.

Officials from the City Fire Department tweeted that they were at the scene “under control”Just minutes after they arrived, the police discovered that there were no injuries and all potential hazards had been removed from the area.  

Pictures taken from the blast show enormous clouds of smoke rising out of the scene. 

Local damage was also done by the shockwaves, and some buildings were photographed having their windows broken. 

After hearing about the explosion, Hazmat teams, Special Rescue Teams, and Fireboats responded. Phylicia Porter, Baltimore City Councilwoman tweeted she was workingWith Mayor Brandon Scott, to deal with the situation “as swiftly and safely as possible.”

Authorities have warned residents of the city to avoid the affected area while they investigate. Blair Adams from Baltimore Fire Department stated to the Baltimore Sun that an explosion happened while coal was being transported via a conveyor belt. The explosion resulted in coal dust accumulation. 

Adams insists, however that there are. “no impact or risk to the community.”

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