China responds to reports of hypersonic missile launch that apparently shocked US — RT World News

Chinese foreign ministry confirms reports it tried hypersonic rocket technology last August. They claim that the test was a major step in the direction of peaceful exploration of space to the benefit of all humanity.
Zhao Lijian (Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson) was asked Monday to respond on the Financial Times’ report that Beijing had tested a hypersonic weapon in August. The revelation shocked US intelligence.
According to the spokesman, China has undertaken “Rotine Spacecraft Test”You can use this tool to assess the rocket’s potential reusable technology. It is important to reduce the costs of spacecraft. Peaceful use of space allows for a cost-effective and convenient way to travel.” Zhao added.
He said that similar research has been done by many other companies involved in space travel. China is willing to work together with all countries around the globe for peaceful space use for humanity’s benefit.The spokesman said that they added. also available
‘Blow to US strategic superiority’? Chinese media fuels suspense over ‘hypersonic missile that circled globe to hit target’
Zhao’s comments came just two days following reports by the Financial Times citing multiple sources who are familiar with the subject, that China had test-fired a hypersonic, space-capable missile. Officials in the United States were taken by surprise when they saw that this missile was capable of carrying a nuclear payload.
Sources say that the missile circled Earth in a low orbit and then speeded towards its target.
The Global Times Chinese State-Owned Newspaper has labeled it as a “Blow to the US’ mentality strategic superiority over China.”Financial Times’ report was not confirmed by the agency.
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