Campaign Trail Spanish

Beto O’Rourke likes to use the Spanish word ‘pendejo’ when on the campaign trail down in Florida and in Texas. The word means, loosely, ‘idiot.’ He uses it a lot when referring to his Democratic competitors in the upcoming presidential race. He also uses it for the current Commander-in-Chief. And he’s not the only one who is feverishly thumbing through an English/Spanish dictionary as the Democratic campaign becomes muy caliente.
Candidate Pete Buttigieg also speaks Spanish. The Mayor of South Bend, Ind, has appeared on the Mexican channel Telemundo several times. He also claims to speak fluent Norwegian. Bra for han!
Julian Castro, from Texas, speaks Spanish as a second language. But he admits he is taking Spanish lessons to brush up on his grammar and pronunciation. He claims that his parents raised him to speak only English at home and at school, because that was the only way to become successful at school and at work. So he admits that while he understands Spanish perfectly, he doesn’t always speak it well.
The latest polls indicate that around 13 percent of registered voters speak Spanish, but that over 80 percent of voters think the next POTUS should have at least a nodding acquaintance with Spanish.
Cosas extranas han sucedido.