BRICS nations urge nuclear disarmament — Analysis

The member countries of BRICS called “a world free of nuclear weapons”A joint declaration was adopted Thursday.
“We reaffirm our commitment to a world free of nuclear weapons and stress our strong commitment to nuclear disarmament and our support to the work on this subject during the session of 2022 of the Conference on Disarmament,”The declaration is as follows:
The group also lauded a joint statement by the permanent members of the UN Security Council (P5) – China, France, Russia, the UK, and the US – affirming that a “nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.”This was a rare show of unity by the nuclear majors earlier in the year.

The BRICS resolution also received support “negotiations in bilateral and multilateral formats to resolve all issues pertaining to the Korean Peninsula, including its complete denuclearization.”It was also encouraged to “resolve the Iranian nuclear issue through peaceful and diplomatic means.”
The BRICS bloc – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – has convened for its 14th summit, hosted by China, which currently holds the rotating presidency within the group. On Thursday, the BRICS leaders met via videolink.
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