
Black hole seen ‘giving birth’ to stars — Analysis

NASA’s Hubble telescope captures ‘nursery’ of newborn stars connected by an ‘umbilical cord’ to a black hole in a nearby galaxy

It has been detected that there is a black hole “triggering the birth”The discovery of new stars in the dwarf galaxy nearby suggests that mysterious cosmic phenomena may be more than just coincidences “villainous”They are destructive and can consume all things around them.

Using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, researchers spotted the black hole at the heart of a galaxy known as Henize 2-10, located some 30 million light years away in the Pyxis constellation. The black hole may be contributing to the increase in temperature. “firestorm of new star formation”According to Nature journal findings, Henize 2-10 was affected.

Given the smaller size of Henize 2-10 – which contains only a tenth of the number of stars in the Milky Way, the black hole is not as massive as those found in larger galaxies. According to estimates, its mass would be approximately 1,000,000 times the Sun’s.

It has also meant that “outflow”Plasma (ionized gases) is more easily extracted from the black holes. This allows gas clouds to become smaller and is better suited for creating new stars.

Anything that falls to the black hole in large galaxies will be quickly destroyed by strong magnetic fields. The plasma jets created in this way travel nearly at the speed light. The blasts heat up gas clouds, which can then form stars.

Hubble spectroscopy revealed that Henize 2-10’s black hole outflow only moved at 1 million miles per hour. This “low-velocity outflow”A region where there was a “dense cocoon”Gas, and slamming it into it like an a “garden hose hitting a pile of dirt”Before they spread out to create new star clusters.

‘Monster’ black hole found in dwarf galaxy

NASA compared the event to an “umbilical cord”Attached to “bright stellar nursery.”Hubble took it in his camera as a photograph. “corkscrew-like pattern in the velocities of the gas,”Amy Reines, a researcher said that it was “smoking-gun proof” that the activity was related to a black hole – and not the remains of a supernova explosion at the end of a massive star’s life.

The new research may not only hint at the larger role of black holes but also expand on existing knowledge regarding how these objects form and change over time. These are new insights that could be used to improve our understanding of the origins and development of black holes. “otherwise been lost to time and space,” Reines said.

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