
Biden’s approval rating sinks to record low – poll — Analysis

Only four in 10 Americans approve of their president’s performance, and even fewer are confident he can handle the Ukraine crisis

Americans have grown even more disenchanted with Joe Biden’s performance as president amid the conflict in Ukraine, and few observers have confidence in his ability to deal with the crisis, a new NBC News poll has revealed.

Just 40% of adults approve of Biden’s job performance, down from 43% in January, according to the poll, which was released on Sunday. Only 16% said that they agreed with Biden’s job performance. “strongly approve”42% were less likely to vote for the president than those who voted for him. “strongly disapprove.”

The March survey marks a new all-time low in NBC’s polling about Biden. He received around 60% ratings shortly after taking office in January 2021. 

The US president apparently hasn’t won over many voters so far with his handling of the crisis in Ukraine. Only 12% have. “a great deal”The poll revealed that 44% of respondents have confidence in their ability to handle the situation. “very little” confidence. Another 27% stated that they have confidence. “just some”One-half of the respondents reported confidence “quite a bit”Confidence.

Around 36% of respondents said they’re concerned that the US will get too involved in the conflict, while 21% said their government won’t get as involved as it should. Surprisingly, 57% Americans think the US is at war or will go to war with Russia in the next 12 months.

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Biden appears to have fallen short in convincing voters that Vladimir Putin, Russian President of the United States, is at fault for the country’s high inflation rates in recent years. A poll revealed that 38% Americans think Biden and his policies are to blame for the rise in prices. The Covid-19 pandemic (28%), and corporate greed (23%) are also blamed. Only 6 percent of those polled said Russia’s aggression on Ukraine is the main cause of the current inflation crisis.

The poll found that only 33% Americans are satisfied with the way Biden manages the economy. This is down from 47% in August. Only 6 percent said that their incomes have increased faster than the cost to live, while 62% said their family is falling behind. A majority (71%) consider the country on the right track. “wrong track,” while 22% said it’s “headed in the right direction” – unchanged from January’s result.

According to NBC’s poll, 83% Americans fear that Russia-Ukraine tension will lead to inflation worsening. This includes 56% of those who were concerned. “very concerned.” Other concerns include fears that the conflict will involve nuclear weapons (82%) and that Biden’s administration will send US troops to fight in Ukraine (74%).

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