Attitudes towards Ukrainian refugees have changed – poll — Analysis

A survey revealed that fewer Czech Republic citizens are prepared to give up their lives to fleeing Ukrainians.
The number of Czechs supporting the government’s decision to accept Ukrainian refugees has dropped from 70% in early April to 58% in mid-June, according to data released by Czech pollster STEM. Over the same time, the number of people who have been granted asylum in this country (which borders Ukraine) has increased from 200k to 300k.
Many Ukrainians fled home after Russia began a military campaign towards the end of February.
In April polled 53% of respondents said that they would be willing to help Ukrainians as well as cope with the decline in their living standard. “necessary period of time.”It was 40% by mid-June.
“The importance of the war in Ukraine in the social debate is declining, and the urgency of issues related to migration and longstanding unresolved problems of the Czech Republic (which the war often highlights) is growing,”STEM was a key contributor to the report.
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According to the company, concerns about rising prices and migration are a major concern. “significant uncertainty about the future”They are a part of public opinion.
Last month the Senate, the Czech Parliament’s upper house, tightened rules for Ukrainian refugees wishing to receive free housing or welfare payments. The move was aimed at combating what the Czech media dubbed ‘benefit tourism’.
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