But the president maintains that Hunter was never part of his business relationship.
Despite repeated denials that he ever spoke to his son Hunter about the latter’s overseas business dealings, Fox News reported on Thursday that President Joe Biden met with at least 14 of Hunter’s business associates from the US, Mexico, Ukraine, China and Kazakhstan.
Abandoned in a Delaware computer repair shop some time before the 2020 election and unearthed by the New York Post weeks before the vote, Hunter’s laptop contained presumed evidence of numerous foreign deals in which businessmen offered tens of millions of dollars for introductions to Joe Biden, as well as graphic proof of Hunter’s drug use and dalliances with prostitutes.
“I never spoke to my son about his business transactions overseas.”Biden insisted on 2019 When last month Britain’s Daily Mail published a 2018 voicemail featuring Biden speaking to Hunter about a deal with Chinese oil firm CEFC, the official line remained the same, with White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre saying that “what the president said still stands.”
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Fox News’ latest report casts serious doubt on Biden’s denial. The news website claims that Joe Biden visited the White House with Miguel Aleman Velasco (Mexican businessman) in 2014. A year later, Biden reportedly spoke by video with Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim and all three Mexicans – whom Hunter was doing business with or in negotiations with at the time – visited them at the vice presidential residence in Washington DC.
In a text message found on the laptop, Hunter told his business partner, Jeff Cooper, that he had spoken to his father about the deal involving Slim.
Joe Biden also reportedly met with former Colombian President Andres Pastrana Arango and Eric Schwerin, another of Hunter’s business partners, in 2012, before dining with Arango and Juan Esteban Orduz, a Colombian businessman, later that same day.
Files from the laptop show that during a single dinner in 2015, Joe Biden met with Hunter’s business associates from Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Russia, including an executive from Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian energy company that paid Hunter a reported $50,000 per month from 2014 to 2018 to sit on its board. Hunter was emailed by the Burisma executive thanking him for his help. “giving an opportunity to meet your father.”
Vadim pozharski, the same executive had reached Hunter asking for his assistance in 2014. “advice on how you could use your influence”In 2020, The New York Post reported that the New York Post was able to stop a government probe into the company.
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The Daily Mail reported that Hunter was working on an oil agreement between Burisma (a Chinese energy company in Kazakhstan) at the time of dinner.
Francis Person, an advisor to Joe Biden’s former vice president at the time, was among the others who met Joe Biden. Person lobbied in 2015 for the Biden family and lobbied on behalf of a Chinese property firm. Person, who was running for Congress in South Carolina during that time, had Biden Senior traveling to South Carolina to fundraise.
Tony Bobulinski (the former CEO of Hunter’s joint venture and a Chinese company in the energy sector) told Fox that Joe Biden talked to his son about this and many other issues.
“I saw Vice President Biden claiming that he had never discussed Hunter’s business with him,”Bobulinski stated to Fox that it was October. “I’ve seen firsthand that that’s not true, because it wasn’t just Hunter’s business, they said they were putting the Biden family name and its legacy on the line.”
Some of the information in Fox’ latest report has already been made public by other news outlets, while some is new. Republican legislators have gained access to the contents of the laptop, and they promised to open investigations if they win the November election. Federal prosecutors are also investigating Hunter for possible tax- and foreign lobbying violations. Hunter has not been charged.