
Andrew Napolitano: Author and Leader In America

There has always been an honorable amount of people who have dedicated themselves in every aspect to their careers. Some consider Albert Einstein, Neil Armstrong, or even Marie Curie as extraordinary people who delivered the most extraordinary results. There are dozens of books written by these influential people because of their dedication and experimentation. In the justice industry, none of that differs. When people in the law industry look for an idol or mentor, they tend to turn to people like Andrew Napolitano. With his expertise in constitutional law, it is clear that he was a pioneer in the legal world. 

Napolitano devoted himself to his career which has made him so successful as a judge, analyst, media star, and lawyer. During his time at Seton Hall University and Brooklyn Law School, teaching students, he had many academic successes. For example, whatever Happened to Freedom of Speech? A defense of ‘State Interest of the Highest Order’ as a Unifying Standard for Erratic First Amendment Jurisprudence, in Seton Hall Review 1999. Of course, The News Person’s Shield Law: A Welcome Acceptance by the Federal Courts of Important State Privilege, was published in New Jersey Lawyer Magazine in 1985. Then, Liberty v. Tyranny: A Constant Struggle was published in Regent University’s Law Review in 2010. In 2014, A Legal History of National Security Law and Individual Rights in the United States was published in New York University Law School Journal of Law and Liberty. 

Although these were just academic sessions, he also shared his personal growth and knowledge with the world. He has had some of the best selling books be published. These are some of the books published by Napolitano., Whatever Happened to Freedom of Speech? A defense of ‘State Interest of the Highest Order’ as a Unifying Standard for Erratic First Amendment Jurisprudence, The News Person’s Shield Law: A Welcome Acceptance by the Federal Courts of Important State Privilege, A Legal History of National Security Law and Individual Rights in the United States,  Liberty v. Tyranny: A Constant Struggle, The Freedom Answer Book: How the Government in Taking Away Your Constitutional Freedoms, Suicide Pact: The Radical Expansion Of Presidential Powers and The Assult On Civil Liberties, It Is Dangerous to Be Right When The Government Is Wrong: The Case for Personal Freedom, Theodore, and Woodrow: How Two American Presidents Destroyed Your Constitutional Freedoms, Dread Scott’s: A Legal History of Race and Freedom in America, Lies the Government Told You; Myth, Power, and Deception in American History, Constitutional Chaos, A Nation of Sheep, and The Constitution In Exile. These books are a perfect example of the great contributions Napolitano has added to society. According to The Hill, his intelligence has changed the world of Constitutional Law and will continue doing.

During the pandemic, there has never been a better time to sit down and read more about these matters. It can be very complex, but in the end, it can greatly help students become more educated in certain manners. As people develop a stronger passion for helping others, as Napolitano has done, then there will be a higher success rate. As people read some of Napolitano’s books, there will be an overall higher quality return within lawyers participating in constitutional Law. 


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