7 Tips for Finding the Lawyer to Represent Your Legal Case

Deciding to hire a lawyer is a big decision, but finding the right one is an even more daunting decision. The following 7 tips for finding the lawyer to represent your case will help make this search less frightening:
1. Look for a Lawyer with the Best Qualities
Good lawyers can solve problems. They must be very professional, and they need to feel compassion for their clients. They must have had a quality education that they can demonstrate to you, but they also have to have experience that relates to the type of case for which you need legal representation. Most importantly, the best lawyer has excellent communication skills, and they can present their track record of previous wins.
2. Search for the Particular Legal Specialty that You Need
The legal profession has several types of lawyers, and if you have a fairly specialized case, you may need to find a lawyer in a particular genre. For example, if you have been charged with a criminal offense, you must search for a criminal defense attorney.
3. Ask Your Family and Friends
According to the American Bar Association, the best places to go to find a lawyer to represent your case are your family and friends. The thing that you have to keep in mind when doing this is that your case may be very different from the case your relative or friend had.
4. Consider the Ads
You will find several ads for attorneys on the radio, the television, the newspaper, the internet, and the telephone directory. You may also receive an advertisement in the mail. These ads can make you familiar with several lawyers, and you can learn the type of law in which they specialize. You must be attentive when you consider attorneys based on their ads because you can’t always believe what you read and hear.
5. Consult a Local Referral Service
Local referral services are an excellent way of finding a lawyer in the specialty that you need and with the experience that you require. The best option is a referral service that participates in the certification programs of the American Bar Association.
6. Pay Attention to How the Lawyer Makes You Feel
You are going to a lawyer because you have a serious problem that needs a sincere solution. For your attorney to be able to provide you with this solution, you must feel comfortable enough to be completely open and honest about everything involving your case. The only way you can find out how comfortable you can be is to have a conversation with the attorney.
7. Ask the Attorney Important Questions
You will need to ask each attorney you interview a few questions before deciding to hire him or her. These may include the following:
- Have you won cases similar to mine before?
- How much do you charge?
- Do you have the time to take my case?
- Have you been accused of professional misconduct before?
You may also take advantage of the attorneys you are interviewing to find out more about them. For example, ask them for references from clients they represented in the past. This will give you further insight into the way the attorney treats his or her clients.