
5 Reasons Why We Believe That Queen Musia is the Purr-fect Cat to Follow on Instagram

Instagram is a powerful social media tool for many reasons. Users from all over the world use this platform to connect with others, promote their businesses or just for pure entertainment. However, it can sometimes be hard to seed through the endless numbers of accounts in order to find the right ones to follow.

We have discovered a major cat-fluencer Queen Musia. She has almost 80K followers and is usually trending on other social media platforms such as Tik Tok and Reddit. We have fallen in love with her unique appearance as well as her charismatic persona. Here are 5 reasons why you should follow this royal feline on Instagram.

She’s a model in her own right

Queen Musia was born beautiful and has immaculate features. Most notably, her alluring emerald eyes are framed by a black eyeliner. She looks so cartoon-like in every photo, that people sometimes believe that she’s not real. In fact, she is commonly mistaken for a plush toy. Her fans demand that Disney create an animated movie with the Queen in the lead role.

She’s a beauty guru

This cat-fluencer has a big project lined up and that is releasing her own cosmetic brand. Queen Musia will be the name of her makeup brand and she will be launching a line of lipsticks, mascaras and eyeliners. Many of her followers wrongly think that she wears actual makeup, when in reality she was simply born with her bold traits. Her cosmetic brand will be cruelty-free, organic and environmentally friendly. Queen Musia’s detail-oriented approach will be embodied in the unique formulas and high quality of her products. The namesake brand will be sold worldwide online and at local retailers. 

She has a powerful energy

Even though she’s pampered like royalty, she still knows how to project a positive energy through her content. In fact, she has helped people from all over the world with ongoing depression and anxiety by distracting them with funny antics and positive outlooks. In that way, entertainment helps release endorphins to the brain, creating instant gratification and relief. Cats are especially therapeutic for humans and Queen Musia only helps to confirm this. Don’t believe this? Try setting a picture of this diva as your phone’s wallpaper (don’t forget to mention this at the next check-up with your surprised doctor).

She’s meme worthy

Often, her face is turned into a cute and harmless meme which can instantly go viral on various social media platforms. For instance, a video of Queen Musia sitting completely still on a windowsill while birdwatching gathered millions of views within a couple of hours of being posted on Facebook. Queen Musia may be a sophisticated cat, but she most certainly has a charm that we can’t help but love. 

She’s a very bossy cat

This majestic feline loves to live the high life and enjoys travelling around Europe and the U.S. When she’s not on vacation, she likes to be pushed around in her stroller and participating in outdoor activities with her human servants. 

She is an eager bird watcher, always fascinated by nature. Sometimes she’s very demanding and is in charge of the choice of entertainment when watching the television. This supermodel loves to have beauty naps but she likes to sleep in fancy bags.

Even though she’s always busy on her throne, she does voluntarily like to participate in inspecting new things that have been brought into the house. She can be quite picky and demanding, in order to make sure that everything is intact and organised.

Our say

This beautiful mini lioness is absolutely worth following and having on your feed. Even though there are many cat-fluencers out there, Queen Musia most certainly stands out with her unique features and bold personality. She’s even put a spell on people who aren’t fond of cats, and they have fallen in love with her. We highly recommend checking out her content, because she’s the daily dose of fun and cuteness that you need in your everyday lives. We treat her like her royalty, because she deserves to have all of our attention.



Alex is the co-author of 100 Greatest Plays, 100 Greatest Cricketers, 100 Greatest Films and 100 Greatest Moments. He has written for a wide variety of publications including The Observer, The Sunday Times, The Daily Mail, The Guardian and The Telegraph.

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