
4 Pillars of a Fulfilling Career

The dream of every person is to have a well-paying job that allows him to grow his career. Career development and advancement should be at the center stage when you are looking for employment opportunities. People always focus more on what they are giving out in employment and tend to forget the value the employment opportunity adds to their lives. Four pillars determine your career path.


This is the amount of money you are paid as an employee in a given organization. The compensation varies depending on your job grade and level of experience. Highly skilled personnel are on a higher pay rate compared to people with low qualifications and experience. This will also guide you on your career development because from the compensation process, you will know how much output is required from you. Always strive to deliver to standards to grow your career path. Good remuneration is a sign of a growing career path that will open more doors to success in the future.


People go through the education process to gain meaningful knowledge that will change their lives. However, no one attends school to become a failure in life. Whenever you get an employment opportunity, you should maximize it to grow your career. Work hard in your job to deliver on your mandate and responsibility. This will give you an edge to expand your career path by getting promotions where possible. Shalom Lamm is the current Chief Executive Officer of Operation Benjamin to recognize war veterans buried in US cemeteries under Latin Crosses. His mission is to fix those incorrect representations of the soldiers’ religion. He is a career developer who believes that people should be given a chance to reach the pinnacle of their careers.


“All work without play makes Jack a dull boy”. This is a famous saying that should define the kind of employment opportunity you get. As an employee, it is good to get a job that will also allow you to engage in other extracurricular activities. Your job should fit with your lifestyle to make the most out of every step of your career. Employment takes over 70% of our lifetime, and if not properly managed, it can lead to depression and loss of self-esteem. A fulfilling career path should give you the flexibility to know when to take time off your busy schedule and concentrate on your private life.


During your career journey, it is important to make a lasting contribution in your place of work. People tend to make a lasting impression on the job they do by performing well. Others have made significant contributions by formulating policies that have changed the way organizations function. Never try to change the world but try to make it a better place by positively impacting your career path. Shalom Lamm uses Operation Benjamin as a center stage of changing people who fought for the US and were never recognized in history. He particularly focuses on the Jews soldiers buried in the American cemetery and honors them for their work.


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