3 Ways To Give Your Kids A Break From Technology

If we’re being honest, most people would probably say that they spend more time focusing on technology than they would like. And while it can be hard to turn off screens for yourself, many parents find that it’s much easier to limit how much screentime they give their kids. But with so many aspects of life taking place online, even limiting screentime for kids can be a challenge.
If this is something that your family has been struggling with, here are three ways you can give your kids a break from technology without causing an all-out war at home.
Work On Setting Reasonable Boundaries
As with most things, kids need boundaries when it comes to technology and screens. The trick here is to create boundaries that are reasonable for both you and your kids.
To do this, you might want to try instituting screentime boundaries during transitional times in your kids’ days. Since this is usually when people can get very distracted by their phones, tablets, or computers, setting aside screens during these times can be helpful. To start, try creating a boundary so that no one uses screens at home immediately before or after school and during meals.
Plan Unplugged Activities Together
Along with not using screens and technology at certain parts of the day, you may also want to have some family activities planned that you always put screens away for.
The best way to do this is to plan activities that are a bit more physically active. It’s very hard to watch a screen when you’re trying to move your body in a very specific way. So if you can manage it, try to take daily walks with your family where no screens are involved. Or, if your family is already pretty active, try playing a sport or game together once a week so that your kids can get some more physical activity while giving their eyes a break.
Set Aside Specific Blocks Of Time For No Screens
Sometimes, what your family really needs is a bigger block of time to really detox from screens and technology.
A few ways you might want to try this could be taking a trip away from home and doing something that doesn’t involve screens at all. Some ideas you might want to try could include going out to the country and learning how to use a tractor or interact with livestock, plan a family vacation where you won’t have cell service or Wi-Fi accessibility, or even just plan one day a month where your family chooses not to get entertainment from screens at all.
If you’re worried that your kids and family have become too dependent on screens and technology, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you find more balance in your lives.