15 vehicles TORCHED in night of violence in Alencon, France after teen’s arrest for allegedly dealing drugs — RT World News

Over a dozen vehicles were left burnt out on Tuesday night in France’s Alençon and police and firefighters came under fire from incendiaries and other projectiles, after a 16-year-old was arrested on suspicion of selling drugs.
A group of some 20 young people took to the streets in the town of Alençon in Normandy, torching cars and attacking emergency-services personnel with an array of projectiles and fireworks.
“We deplore this night of urban violence in Perseigne, in Alençon, in which there were a dozen vehicles set on fire,” Françoise Tahéri, prefect of the Orne district, told BFMTV. Tahéri added that the police intervened quickly to stabilize the situation and were reinforced by gendarmes.
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After being informed that several vehicles were on fire, firefighters and officers stepped in. BFMTV reports that around 20 young men were present in various locations around the neighbourhood when they arrived on the scene. 13 gendarmes, who were added to the reinforcements of the troops, arrived at the scene and the violence ended around 3:00 AM.
Tahéri said she was delighted that nobody was injured and praised the intervention of law enforcement. Joaquim Pueyo, a major in the town described the event as “amazing”.Very serious.”Online footage shows cars being attacked by mortars.
Cette nuit le quartier de Perseigne a connu une flambée de violences. Une quinzaine de voitures ont été incendiées et les forces de l’ordre ont été visées par des tirs de mortiers d’artifice après qu’un jeune du quartier a été interpellé pour trafic dans la matinée #Alençonpic.twitter.com/ES7U7ufuAr
— Sacha Martinez (@SachaMartinez42) October 27, 2021
On Wednesday morning, images posted by social media showed the full extent of the damage. Many cars that were damaged and destroyed were being taken to scrapyards.
French police are sending reinforcements to the Normandy town of Alençon were rioters torched 13 cars overnight and used fireworks launchers to attack the police. A 16-year-old suspect was taken into custody as a drug dealer. https://t.co/ohSEqYgfUM
— Kris Janowski (@JanowskiKris) October 27, 2021
An unrest resulted from the arrest of Taheri, a 16-year old boy who had allegedly been caught with drugs in his area. During a press conference on Wednesday, Tahéri stated the authorities believed the violence was related to Tuesday’s arrest of a suspected drug dealer.
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