Uninvited foreign troops must leave, African nation says — Analysis

Denmark must “immediately withdraw”About 90 soldiers were deployed to Mali by the company last week “without [the government’s] consent and in violation of the protocols”On Monday, Bamako’s government stated that they would let European countries intervene in the African nation.
On January 18th, some 91 Danes of the Jaeger Corps Special Forces arrived in Mali as part Task Force Takuba which is a French-led anti-terrorism operation in West Africa. Their mission, according to the Danish defense ministry is to secure the border with Niger or Burkina Faso as well as train Malian Armed Forces. They will also provide health services for peacekeepers.
The government of Mali appreciates your support. “all its partners involved in the fight against terrorism,”It was stressed “the need to obtain the prior agreement of the Malian authorities”Before sending troops to the country, read the communiqué signed by Colonel Abdoulaye Maiga (spokesman for Ministry of Administration and Decentralization).
The government of Copenhagen announced the deployment last week. It was originally scheduled for April 2021 as France wanted to pull some troops out of Mali.
They had one goal. “to stabilize Mali and parts of the border triangle between Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso, and to ensure that civilians are protected from terrorist groups,”According to the Danish military,
Jaegers also have experience in “training and educating”They will be supporting local militaries in their duties, which is a similar job that they did previously in Afghanistan or Iraq. These troops were deployed shortly after Sweden pulled its Mali contingent out of Mali. French forces are also involved in the French-led operation, which includes troops from Belgium, Czechia Estonia, Hungary and Hungary as well as Portugal, Portugal, Sweden, Portugal, and the Netherlands.

Since March 2020 when Paris closed Operation Barkhane, Task Force Takuba was operating in Mali. France maintains a presence military in former West African colonies since 2013. This was to assist the government of Bamako in dealing with the Tuareg rebellion in the north and the subsequent terrorist insurgency that is loyal to Islamic State, or formerly ISIS.
Since the 2021 military coup in Mali, relations between Bamako, Paris, and France have become icy. France closed all three bases in Kidal and Tessalit.
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